"Love Will Save the Day"

Whitney Houston is a singer whom I have always admired.  Her life was to some "tragic" but to me it was what it was meant to be.  I have no judgements about how she died nor how she lived her life.  What I prefer is to remember her contributions as a wonderful singer and a smile that could knock the socks off anyone.  She was truly a force to be reckoned with and she had the voice of an angel.  Even her very last album was a lovely tribute to the kind of person she was, a loving and kind soul who happened to be involved with a man who did not love himself enough and who she might have loved too much.  But then who has not?  I say let the person who has lived a perfect life throw the first stone.  I doubt there is one person who has not made at least one bad decision in life and strayed from love even just for a moment in time.

"Love will save the day" was one of my favorite songs of Whitney's.  She sang that song with what seemed to be every fiber of her body.  She sang it like she meant it and if anything like she wanted it. She wanted love to save us, to save her and to save the ones she loved.  She wanted to make a difference but the drugs got in the way.  It is a story we hear repeatedly.  It is a story of many people who have won and some who like her lost the battle.  It did not mean she was a bad or sad or unloving person.  It only meant that she fought the good fight and lost.  I for one will always be a little sad yet gloriously joyful for the grand life she led even though to some it may have been too short.  I say it was just right and just as it was to be.

In my life love has saved the day.  When my sister committed suicide by shooting herself love saved the day.  I was left with enough love to realize that she was a great person who no longer wished to be on this earth in human form.  I still believe she had a right to decide her destiny and that there will never be judgements from me around her decision to leave us.  For her the pain was likely unbearable for she like I had tolerated all sorts of bullying and abuse from a person who acted as though he loved her.  In fact the humiliation and the abandonment was so strong as to motivate her to want to die.  It was after all is said and done her choice.  Others may not have liked her choice but it was not up to them to decide.

In my life love has saved the day.  I have had relief from the cancer and the horrid treatments.  I have cried like a baby and then stood up and smiled at life, even laughed at it a few times.  I have been saved by the love of goddess who has had  mercy on me even when the person who stated he loved me abandoned me and tried to palm me off on my children.  In my life love has saved the day and has given me the guts to move on and be bigger and better than before.  It has given me the hope I have needed to go on living.

Love is really the only thing we need and it comes directly from source and from our inner self.  No one can give us the love we will need in this lifetime.  We must give it to ourselves.  No one can take love from us because it is not possible.  Love is all we have and yest it is love that will save the day.


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