How To Get More Of What You Want

Yesterday I went out with a sweet friend and she shared with me that her only daughter was leaving to college.  She said that she would be crying often and that she will need to go out at least twice a week.  When we completed our evening I walked her to her car.  There she repeated how bad it was going to feel for her to have her daughter leave home to college.  I then looked at her and said that what she thinks about most will happen.  It was something that perhaps she did not want to hear at the time and in the back of my mind I thought that it was simply too hard to accept.

It brought me back to thinking about the way we get more of what we want and less of what we don't.  Thinking more deeply about what I want and don't makes me dig deeper into my own life and how I have been able to get more of what I want so for what it is worth here it is.

Getting more of what we want requires us to:

Keep what you want at the forefront of your mind, thinking more about what it is you want more of in your life and making statements that affirm that like: "I have joy in my heart and I am prosperous and healthy".  This is convincing the unconscious mind and the more you do that the more your mind will believe it and act accordingly.

Do not worry about what has not happened.  Don't focus on the negative things that could happen to you or what you don't have, whether it is a home or a higher salary or better job.  When you worry about things even if it seems legitimate you create more of it and it is like it comes to you like a magnet.  It is a focus on the negative and it can only create more problems.

Make a beautiful collage that depicts what you want more of.  In the collage paste picture of things you love and things you have always wanted.  These collages are sometimes called  vision boards and using words like: Peace, Serenity, Love, Wealth, Inspiration and Closure.  The words that you cut out should be aligned with what you want to create and have more of in your life.  Have the collage laminated and display it where you like: in your office, in your kitchen, bathroom or private place in your attic.

Make a sacred space where you pray, meditate or chant.  This is a space one uses to manifest more of what we want and center ourselves on it.  It also gives us a sacred space to surround ourselves with the things that mean something to us and that we are grateful for or that depict our personal self.  It can have frames with pictures, marble hearts, a book, feathers, Buddhas, rocks, shells and simply anything that inspires you.  A sacred space is also a place to think clearly and to clear your mind of the negative thoughts.  This will result in things coming to you that are more of what you want.

Write about what you want more of as if it is happening to you in the moment.  This is a living vision much like the vision board.  It does not have to have only facts in it but rather it can be comprised of things that have not happened yet but that you would like to happen.  Keep your language creative, colorful and exciting as if you are writing a script and trying to get others to read it and love it.  Keep your living vision in a safe place like a beautiful folder with butterflies or a pocket folder with bright polka dots.  Go back to your living vision often and read it aloud or silently.  Do this for at least three months or 90 days.  You will be surprised at how much of good happens to you.

Catch yourself speaking against what you don't want more of like negative things that are going on around you or things you feel are bad things happening to you.  When you catch yourself thinking about dark things talk yourself out of it.  To begin with just stop talking about it or thinking about it.  Focus on something else, always stopping yourself from ranting about what you think is wrong with your life.

Getting more of what you want is not simple or easy.  In fact it is for some the hardest thing one can do.  I believe we are more trained to think negatively.  We are trained to go right to the negative things that are happening around us and the truth is that there are many things that can happen to us.  Yet we see many people smiling in spite of what happens around them.  These are the people who know that part of life is overcoming the dark times whether it is a loss of a loved one or the loss of a good job.  Most of all what we think and focus on the most is what we will get more of.


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