The Five Lessons Men Need to Learn Fast

I am a man, all be it a gay man, I am a man.  I am astonished at how men have lived their entire lives without learning some basic life lessons.  It seems to me according to what women tell me that men are still being raised thinking their wife is their mother and that her job is to take care of everything.  Unfortunately for women there are many mothers still raising their boys to be dependent rather than independent and life smart.

There are four life lessons men need to learn:
1. Your wife is not your mother.
2. Learn some life skills for god's sake.
3. Treat women with respect and as your equal.
4. Pick up after yourself, no excuses.
5. Give as much as you take!

Some men treat their wives like their mothers.  They believe this woman should take over where their mom left off.  We call these men "momma's boys", I call them disfunctional sissies.  These are the men who sit back and have a beer while their wife cleans the house, washes the dishes, cooks and attends to the children.  Men need to learn to be self-sufficient and do things for themselves, not expecting their wife to do everything including picking up their dirty undies from the bathroom.  Men not only do not appreciate this they will then expect it.  Lesson number one: Your wife is not your mom.

Life skills are things like being able to clean a bathroom and rinse the solution completely or washing clothes in groups like darks, lights and whites separately.  Life skills are organizing your own clothing in the closet and drawers so that you can find them.  Men need to learn life skills early in life and not get married so that someone else can do their dirty work.  I call it punk work.  Learn some life skills for goodness sake!

Pick up after yourself.  Do not ask anyone to do that for you. A real adult man picks up his dirty clothes and puts them in the hamper immediately.  A real man takes his towel and hangs it up so that it can dry correctly.  Pick up after your own self and stop making excuses.  Your wife is tired of picking up after you and it's a major turn off.  On the other hand doing your share is a big turn on for women.

Give for all you take.  Stop just taking without giving.  Giving is a part of a fair and equal relationship.  Not giving is selfish and presumptions.  Try giving more than you take at times.  Learn to give and to compromise with your partner.  It is a basic skill in life.  Taking all the time is selfish and a self-entitled act of stupidity.  Learn how to give, give and then give some more.  There is no such thing as paying to give, it is free.

If your man does not have these skills it may be time to move on.  If he is unwilling to change then it is really time to move on.


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