The Ten Most Wanted Things in Life

The ten most wanted things in life are: (from my experiences)

1. Happiness and joy
2. Compassion
3. Companionship
4. Love and Fidelity
5. Security: financial and ...
6. Children
7. A Safe Home
8. Loving support
9. Honesty
10. Hope

Everyone wants to be happy and feeling joy.  None of us wants to be sad or set out to be miserable.  Those of us who do not feel joy may think that they do but in the long run they do.  Happiness usually does not just happen to us, we must work at it.

Compassion means that we care about how others feel and try to serve people when they are hurt.  We want people to feel love for us and to feel our feelings when we are in need.  Compassion is free and so is love.  We don't need to hold it back.

It is nice to have alone time but it is also nice to have someone to share things with.  Living alone is better than being in a bad relationship or an abusive one but having a wonderful companion is also wonderful.  Being with the right person that we have something in common with helps in life.

Love and loyalty is important to many.  I for one feel that being loved is much like breathing and also believe that we must be the first to put down our pride and love others without conditions.  Love and loyalty are the things in life that create a connected and wonderful relationship both friends and  family.

A feeling of safety and security go a long way in life.  We all want to feel secure and safe.  Financial security is one of the ways we feel secure and safe but it is not the most essential in the long run.  Security is more about safety and a feeling that you are safe in your home, in your area where you live and in your relationships.

There are a lot of people who want children, so much so that if they cannot conceive they either adopt or do procedures that are long and difficult to deal with.  Children bring much joy into our lives and there is no denial that they bring love to our lives.  Yes there are people who don't want to have kids and that is of course their decision to make but for those of us who do it is one of the most rewarding things in life, being a mom or dad.

Home is where the heart really is.  Our home should be a sacred and safe haven for us.  Having a home to live in is  privilege.  When we have a home we feel more joy because we are in our own space where we make the rules and where we are the king or queen.  That is  good feeling that many of us deserve and want.  It is one of those things in life that bring most of us pleasure.

Support is key in our lives as people who are all connected.  We may want to say we are individuals at that is all there is but we are really all one and supporting each other is imperative.  Getting support in a time of need is an essential need for most of us.  We must also learn how to ask for it.

What more can we do for someone but to be honest.  I don't mean "brutally honest" because that is only a disguise for insulting and bullying someone else.  We want honestly with love from others.  We don't want people to lie to us and then surprise us later by telling the truth when it is too late.  Honesty is a need we have from others and something that we should expect of the people we love and strangers.


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