Five Paths to Happiness and Joy

As is usual someone or something elicits a blog about something that needs to be said and something that is likely to help others out there struggling with something in their life, like being happy.  Although many may say that happiness is a natural and easy feeling, most of  us struggle with being happy.  We have trouble being happy with what we have, being joyous and grateful for our family and friends and especially struggle when we are experiencing the many challenges in life.  And there are many!

Here are some keys that will help you find more happiness in your life: 

1. Don't make your happiness contingent on this or that happening: 

I will be happy when I lose twenty pounds or I will be happy when I change jobs or make more money.  These kinds of thoughts make your joy contingent on something else happening when in reality these things are not what makes you happy.  It is living in the now that makes you happy.  It is enjoying what you have now and where you are now in life and being satisfied and happy now whether you are making 30,0000 a year or 100,000 a year.  The money you make has nothing to do with your joyful journey.  Your weight has nothing to do with your joyful journey.  Decide to be happy now and not make it contingent on something.

2. Connect with those you love:   

Make each relationship important and worth nurturing.  The connection you have with others will raise your joy level just by the mere fact that you are making the very best connection with everyone you love: your children, your spouse, your friends and even the strangers you encounter.  Connection with others and appreciation for others will elicit more joy and happiness in you.

3. Write your old and then your new story: 

Sit down and write your old story, the things you want to leave behind you and let go of.  Then write your new story of happiness and acceptance of self.  In your old story you might let go of the pain of being abandoned by your father and in your new story you might discuss the current love you have with a spouse or your children and friends, how connected you are to them.  In your new story you are grateful for many things and you talk about how great your life it because you are living a prosperous life and a life that is fuller.

4. Don't make work your everything: 

Find a good balance between work and enjoying your life doing things that bring you joy.  Leave work at work and make certain that your social life is just as long and important as the time you are working.  Find that perfect balance between work and play.  Don't make your work your everything and notice if you are making your job into proof that you are important or valuable.  It is not your job that makes you important and valuable but rather everything that you do in life.

5. Become responsible for your happiness: 

Do not expect anyone to be responsible for your happiness but rather be honest and own your happiness.  You are responsible to be a happy person by doing things that make you happy and by owning your own happiness, not making others responsible for your happiness.  When you own your own happiness then you know that happiness is up to you and not up to anyone or anything else.  A new car is not your happiness nor is a new suit.  Happiness grows inside of you because you think yourself into a happy state of joy and live a life that brings you joy.

Now you have a template for happiness.  It is time to do your self-work.  It is time to stop blaming others for your sadness or disappointments.  It is time for you to own your happiness and make it happen for yourself, without the material stuff and by connecting with life, nature, people and all that surrounds you.  Happiness is not contingent on anything, especially money or how much you weigh.  Happiness is now.


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