Living With Truth and Intention

When I as a child I was consistently angry.  My parents were divorced when I was about five and I never saw my biological father ever again.  I found out very soon that I was not to express my sadness, anger or any feelings for that matter.  My mother was so angry at my father that she projected it onto me.  The way that I addressed my anger was to break my toys, having bottled all my feelings all the time, day after day and month after month.  Now I look back to those times and that little boy and realize that I have been healing from it all my life.  Today I am healed from most of it having spent years doing self-work.

The thing that helped me to transform my life is that I started to live with intention and do all that I could to bring joy to whatever situation I might encounter including a family suicide, divorce, relationship abuse and cancer.  I don't think that I am different from many people who have undergone many personal obstacles and their share of painful experiences.  The key to living with intention and joy is:

1. Do not take anything or anyone for granted.
2. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated no matter what.
3. Do your self-loving work consistently. Heal yourself first.
4. Understand that everyone and everything is connected whether you like it or not.
5. Have a plan of action and include your spiritual, physical and emotional self.

We often times take others for granted as well as the things we are gifted with.  We take our children for granted and we work long hours even if it means that we won't be home to tuck them in at bedtime and in some cases not there for dinners.  We take our spouses for granted and the things that they do for us each and every day, like the wives that stay home all day caring for our children.  Taking people for granted is evidence that we are not living with intention.  Loving and caring for our loved ones an intentionally spending time with them is living in truth and intention.  Caring for your home demonstrates that you are living with intention.


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