Going On Your Own Life Spiritual Journey

We may or may not realize it but we are all on a journey.  I think the journey is partly spiritual which is the part of the path we miss sometimes.  People are on a physical journey to keep fit and healthy.  Then there are those who are on a financial journey to make a lot of money or at least enough to be comfortable or pay their bills.  Then there are those who are on a creative journey, a quest to create things that bring them joy.  Often times the spiritual part of us is the part we ignore or we fail to focus on.  There are of course many reasons why we don't concentrate on the spiritual part of us one of which is that we don't believe and the other is that we think that spiritual means religious.

I remember one person stating to me: "I am not as spiritual as you are".  I took this to mean that he was in some form of fear around spirituality and that it excused his passive behavior and even the abusive Judgmental behaviors. Like him there are many people who fear spirituality and it is because they are unaware of what it means to be spiritual and in part it places responsibility onto their poor or unkind behaviors like bigotry or mean spirited acts towards others.  It was when I realized that spirit is not something that resides in every person in a natural or overt way, although I believe that deep inside we are all spiritual and deserving of love.

Fear of spirituality is rampant.  People truly are in fear about being spiritual because what I believe is that it reminds them that they must account for their actions and that they are in need of becoming more aware and connected to the world, even the part of the world that is hungry and needy.  The same people don't donate their time or gifts with others and live a life that is self-serving and many times asleep, void of any real emotions like sadness, fear or love.  Then there are the ones who really believe that spirituality is religious and religion is the same as being spiritual.  The fear around being spiritual is a typical syndrome in our world.

Going on our own spiritual journey is important but we need to be ready and know why we are spiritual beings, the deepest part of who we are inside.  It resides inside our heart and it is at the core of who we are.  Ignoring that part of who we are is spiritual is ignoring an important aspect of who we are.  Yes, we are a physical being, yes we are an emotionally being and yes we are a creative being.  We are also a spiritual being and this part of us is likely the most important part of who we are .   This is the part of us that is deeper than our normal thoughts, a sacred part of us.  For this reason we should know how to access this part of us without fear or reservations.  This is not for the weak of heart but rather for the strong at heart.

Going on your own spiritual journey means:
Finding ways that bring focus to the spiritual part of us like prayer, meditation, chanting and other rituals.
Attending a church or group that believes that we are spiritual beings.  This will support your spiritual being.
Knowing we are all connected and doing things that serve others and connect us with the universe, every part of it including nature and animals. Doing things that connect us to the universe and all it's content.
Spreading love and compassion to others.
Sharing ourselves and our talents with those less fortunate than us.
Praying, chanting, meditating/holding silence or reverence.
Doing anything positive that brings forth your spirit and your highest good.

As you go down your own path remember that your spirit is a part of you and that deep inside it is the part of you that is asking to be nurtured.  A focus on our spirit is a well spent endeavor and a well spent effort.  Look for your spirit for it is near you and in fact in the center of your being: your heart.


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