How to Be Happier

There is not a secret equation to being happy and yet there are many things we can do to serve ourselves our due of happiness, sort of like a piece of the pie.  What has to happen for us is that we place a focus on happiness and take the focus off of the pain and the dark places we take ourselves to so often.  It begins with the idea that we deserve joy and ends with the idea that we are comprised of love and happiness and that sadness is a temporary state of mind.

We have to believe we deserve it.  If we believe we deserve happiness then it shall be and if we don't we will likely be sad the rest of our lives.  Believe you should be happy and you will be.  Believe you don't deserve it and you will inevitably be unhappy.  It is your choice.

Do what makes you happy and don't do what does not make you feel happy.  Don't work a job you hate and do work a joy you love.  Be with a person you love and that loves you just as much or be with a person who not only does not love you but does not add joys to your life.  It's pretty simple yet  many of us stay in situations with people who don't see us, don't honor us and don't respect us.  Many of us are in fact in relationships with people who think them self to be first all the time and are basically selfish and lack compassion.

Talk and walk happy.  Do the things that make you happy and think happy thoughts.  Do not engage in things that are negative or people who are drag you down with their darkness.  Talk yourself into being happy even if at first you don't believe it.  Write about happy things, look at happy things, be with others who are light filled and joyful.  Talk the talk and walk the walk.  Be fearless in your decision to not engage in things that are dark or negative.

Take time every day to hold reverence.  When you hold reverence for yourself you do what is near and dear to your heart like meditate, pray, chant or write in a journal.  Take time every day at about the same time every day to hold yourself in silence and give yourself time to breathe happiness in.  As you journal or chant or pray use the words that affirm your joy and the fact that you will find it today and that you will feel it deep in your soul.  Actions are needed when it comes to being in your joy and staying in your joy.  There will always be stressors and we all have them yet joy can be yours if you work at it daily.

Affirm your joy with an affirmation that you repeat daily.  "I am joy in motion, feeling all the beauty of my life and everything that surrounds me.  Joy follows me wherever I go." When we affirm our joy we bring it closer by making statements that say yes to our joyful life.

Be who you are but most of all love who you are.  When you truly love who you are your heart will sing and your joy will elevate.  It is that simple.

Coach E


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