Love You First or Else

Love yourself or you will be sorry.  It is the most important when you are with another person in a relationship.  We seem to lose ourselves easily when we get involved with someone else.  Why does this happen?  The answer is simply that we don't love ourselves going in.  We take all the love we have and we give it rather than to save some for ourselves.  We lack self love so we go from one person to the next person in one relationship after another with people who we give love to not knowing how to love ourselves.  We don't keep love for our self because we don't know how to do that.  We did not learn how to do self-love but we did learn how to give our love away to others.

It is so important to love yourself or you will always be a target for those people out there that can see it and that will take what you have to give selfishly.  If you don't love yourself the other person will take the love from you and over time you will begin to feel resentment because you are not getting love back.  The reason you don't give love back is because you don't demand it or expect it.  It is really not the other person's fault because what you do when you don't love yourself is give others permission to not love you and in fact take love from you.

People who don't love themselves get taken advantage of.  They are a target for people who are takers and they are a target for those who prey on people who are insecure and have low self-worth.  When we lack love for our own person we are also insecure and lack the self-worth to say no to people who are takers and people who are takers take from people who feel low about themselves.  The thing to note is that people who take from people who are insecure are not kind or compassionate people.  Takers are not lovers, in fact they are just people who have a need to use others based on their lack of healing.  They take from others feeling as though they will someday heal from whatever motivates them to be takers because they are in awareness of what they are doing.

Life is a beautiful journey and what we need to learn early in life is how to love ourselves and think ourselves as worthy and wonderful, beautiful and gifted.  We have to believe that we are worthy as we are before we get involved with anyone in our life and before we find that person who will respect us and think of us as beautiful and worth as well as deserving of getting.  A person who is a giver.  When we are unhealed from self-loathing we set ourselves up to be used by others who need to have power over someone rather than actually be in a loving relationship.

Love you first because if you don't someone will not just remind you they will push you so far by taking so in excess that you will begin to know how important self-love is.  There are many people in the world who are not self-lovers and who may never get there.  That person will go around in circles for many years until they either realize how important loving themselves is or become literally ill from not loving themselves and being lead by the nose by others.

Self love means that you like to spend time with yourself and that you can be happy alone.  Self love means that you won't accept poor or disrespectful behavior from others.  Self love means that you are about yourself and do things that demonstrate that truth.  Self love means that you keep enough love for  yourself to continue to function at a higher level.  Self love means that you are functional as a human being and at a high vibration and that you don't need anyone to complete you.

The way we learn to self love is by our experiences.  Some of us have to be used in order to realize that we need to love ourselves more.  Sometimes we have to be in situations that are self destructive like drinking too much or being addicted to sex, even confusing sex with love.  The way we learn self love is by doing things for ourselves that demonstrate love like living well and taking ourselves out to dinner.  Self love does not come easy because we live in a society that says that self love is selfish when in fact self love makes us more able to give.  When we fill our hearts up with love we can give more love.  That is the secret.


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