The Fifth Agreement

Most of us know the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.  His book has been translated into many languages and the four agreements make perfect sense.

1. Don't take anything personal
2. Do your very best
3. Be impeccable with your word
4. Don't make assumptions

Each of the four agreements asks of us to become familiar with the very things that we battle with daily and that once we master them our life will become fuller and more complete.  Each of the agreements reminds us that there  are things in life that interrupt a life that could be happier if we just follow the four agreements.

1. We take things  personally and in doing so we make ourselves upset and even miserable.  People will have opinions of us and about who we are and we must know who we are otherwise each person's opinion of us effects our life.  We can literally go crazy if we listen to what others think of us and take it personally.  Allowing people to  bring us down with their poor perceptions will eventually make us believe it and our self esteem will take a hit every time.  When we don't take things personally we know who we are and we live a happier and more productive life.

2. Always do your best.  If you do your best you will not have any regrets and you will have done everything to ensure that your actions match your riches.  Do your best at whatever comes your way and you won't have any reason to regret anything in your life.  When you do your best you put your heart into everything you do and in turn will have no regrets.

3. Being honest all the time and not making any exceptions is living a life of integrity.  When you are impeccable with your word you tell the truth and have nothing to regret.  On the other hand when we lie it eventually catches up with us.  Lies are a sure way to suffer eventually because lying compromises you and a life that is sound and productive.  Being impecable with your word means you do what you say you will do.  It means you follow through with promises and you show up for others, doing everything you know is the right thing to do by others.

4. The last agreement in life is not to make assumptions.  Don't assume anything but rather make sure to ask before you leap to conclusions.  Making assumptions can make a fool  our of  you and as they say makes an ass out of you and me.  Don't assume that anyone owes you a favor or that others don't like you or that someone needs your money or that someone is poor.  Assume nothing but rather make sure to get the clarity you need to know what you are talking about or thinking of.

I honor and respect Don Miguel Ruiz who is a wonderful spiritual leader and had the wisdom to bring us the four agreements.  I like to think that I have something I can contribute and that is what I call the Fifth agreement which is:
5. What comes around goes around.
What we do in life that effects others in a negative manner will eventually come back to us.  If we disrespect others we will be disrespected.  If we bully others we will be bullied.  If we are rude to others there will come a time when someone will be rude to us.  It is the law of cause and effect.  It is the Buddhist law that says that what we do has a consequence and an outcome good or bad.  If we treat others with love we will experience more love.  If we are kind to others we will experience kindness back.  It may not be from the same  people each time but we will live the law of cause and effect when we behave with others the way we want to be  behaved upon.

It is my fifth agreement that many of us have experienced in our life.  This agreement asks us to be kind or we will experience unkindness, be loving or you will experience non-loving people and situations.  What we do comes back to us good or bad.  Our actions dictate our life.  Once we agree inside that how we behave will effect how we will be behaved upon we will know the fifth agreement to be true.  I for one know this to be a truth of life.  You will know this truth as you examine your own life and are honest about your own actions.
Elliott Collazo


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