Some Days are Rougher than Others

Today I spent several hours decluttering and staging my home.  I started with my closet taking all the clothing out that no longer fits me as I have gained weight.  In part I am very grateful that I have gained some pounds as I was very thin and did not look well.  In other ways it's a bit of a bummer because some of my small clothing is really nice and some of it costly.  Yet what stands out for me is that some days are going to be rough and today feels like one of those days for me.  In spite of it I have managed to clear out my closet and stage it with some women's clothing so that when it is up for sale people will notice that there is a couple with children in my home.  Ironically there is no wife or small children but with my grandchildren's room and the women's clothes it is staged perfectly for a family.

There is sadness and joy because this home was one I lived in most of the time alone.  It was my home really because I put all the love and nurturing into it with all my heart day in and day out.  Some days are good and others are not so great.  What I know is that this is part of life and that there is nothing I can do to change it.  It is what it is.  I have to simply accept it.  When I have those moments I believe we grow from them if that is how we see it.

Today has been a rough day but it has also been a day of accomplishment as I prepare for my new journey in my life.  One that I am taking alone at that at times feels like a lonely path.  I try very much to perceive it with love and go easy on myself.  I try to love myself through the times when the sun is not shining and in fact it is cloudy inside my heart.  Nothing changes that but what I have acknowledged is that I am a better person today for all that I have overcome in my life.  I have seen the darkest moments through and come into the light.

Feeling sorry for ourselves is a big mistake.  At least feeling it for too long is a mistake.  We must come up from the darkness sooner than later or it will take us.  We must be careful to not stay inside that opinion that others have of us that is not loving or kind.  We must let go of the mistakes we have made and move on.  We must see that we are human and that our mistakes are bound to come from time to time.

We all experience some rough days.  Perception and intention is everything.  We must be intentional in loving ourselves.  We must be intentional in loving others.  We must be intentional in forgiving and we must keep a perception of open heartedness.  Once we do we will be able to go through the bad times and simply not allow ourselves to drown.


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