The Path to Financial Prosperity

I have gone from having very little money to a six digit income and then back to less money now that I am retired.  For many years my life I was motivated and enslaved by this desire to make and have more money.  Most of the time it seemed to me that there was never enough even when it was plentiful.  I would make more and automatically spend more, saving very little of what I made when I had so much access money.  I made sure to spend all of it and could deduce the reasons why but would rather not bore anyone with the details.

Many people around me are worried about money and the reasons vary:
A: They really don't have enough of it to make ends meet.
B:  They spend money on things they should not like cigarettes, expensive clothing or other things they don't need and then end up short the money for paying their bills.
C:  They don't know how to manage money.
D:   They worry about money constantly and focus on how much they don't have.

I want to begin by addressing the last reason "D" that people don't attract money and that is that they worry about it constantly.  The more they worry about it and are focused on the need for more the more the issue of not having it is fed and grows.  Worrying about not having money attracts an energy   of lack.  Therefor what happens is that we end up making our thoughts come true.  We end up scrimping and scraping for money when we really could manage with what we have and we'd be better off not worrying about it.  We who think prosperous are prosperous.  It is only when we compare ourselves with others who have a new car or a new house that we feel poor or less prosperous.  We can think ourselves into prosperity and become more prosperous financially if we don't worry so much about it.

Let's talk about "C" which is that a lot of us don't know how to manage money.  This also relates to "B" which is that we spend money on things we don't need or cannot afford like a cigarette habit.  Managing our money means putting it in writing.  What are the monthly bills and how much money do we make?  What is left over and what can we save if any amount?  What are the corners we must cut?  Do we really need cable and Netflix?  Do we really need a land line and a cell phone?  Which of the things we own need to be sold that we don't use as much?  Do we need two cars or can we get by with one?  There are many ways to manage money and cut your costs.  Sit down and put it all in writing.  If you cannot afford to buy a new pair of shoes, have your old ones repaired and shined up.  If you cannot afford a new dress pull out the sewing machine and make one.  Find ways to cut costs even if it means selling or renting your home or downsizing to a smaller home.  There are many classes either at a park district or community college on managing money.  This is another good way to learn a skill that you may need to get better at.  Managing your money is simply thinking more seriously about how you spend it.

Not enough money in one job?  It may be time for your spouse to get a job or take a second part time joy or start a business cleaning homes or becoming a self-made business person.  We all have talents and yours could be one you could cash in on.  Again, take a look at how you are spending and on what.  You may find out that you do have enough money but that there are additional sacrifices you can make to make ends meet.

Your relationship with money is important.  People have some odd and even ridiculous thoughts around money.  Some have this idea that there is never enough money because they had been raised poor and they believe they need more than they really need.  Some feel money is evil, sometimes believing this due to religious reasons or myths about money like "Money is the root of all evil".  Some  place too much importance on money sighting and believing the idea that "money makes the world go around".  While there are others who have a fear of losing their money and that they need to hold on tight to it.  Whatever your relationship with money you are the only one that can change that pattern or thought.

Here's what I suggest:
Look at money as one source.
Don't worry so much about money, stay calm.
Believe that you are already abundant,
Look at what your are doing with your money and how you spend it.
Look at your relationship with money: look back to your childhood.
Consider other sources of making money using your talents.
Save some of your money if possible for a "rainy day".

And remember money is just money.  As the Beatles song says: "I don't care too much for money cause money can't buy me  love"


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