5 Tips for a Great Party!

I found out the hard way how to prepare for any party.  For a long time I was doing everything at the last moment or the same day.  Big mistake!  There are some good tricks to having a great party where you can enjoy the party as if you were a guest and here they go:

1.  Hire one or two hosts for the party:
Get some college students or ask around about people who may need some extra cash and hire them as hosts.  10-15 dollars an hour will be well worth the money you spend for a few hours.  Have duties and dress code stipulated to them in writing.  These hosts can do everything from making drinks to answering the door and greeting your guests.  You will be happy you did this because for once you will enjoy the party.

2.  Create stations and a buffet:
An easier way to do a party is buffet style and setting up stations that are labeled with a lovely decorative card or one you make from index cards.  Stations can be ones such as: Liquor, Wine, Dessert and Coffee, Buffet Plates with glasses and utensils and then line up the food all in a row whereby people can get in line and get their plate, napkin, fork and then their food.  Stations that are clear make it easy for you because you don't have to explain anything, it's all in front of your guests.  Do this the day before minus the food of course and even then have serving platters and spoons ready to go.

3.  Select you outfit the day before.  Decide what you are wearing and give yourself at least an hour and a half to get ready.  Take your time and take a bubble bath.  Give yourself time to wind down before your guests arrive.  You may like to make your entrance about 15 minutes into the party, maybe 20.  Your hosts will take care of things in the meantime.  If you are feeling like a grand entrance a beautiful robe to receive your guests will make that statement and then you excuse yourself and dress up in 10 minutes, coming into the party looking stunning.  I advocate for your Sunday best.

4.  Resend your invitation or reminder or both so so as to make sure people RSVP.  Most people need to be reminded even a few days before.  Call it a "Loving Reminder".  People seem to like that wording and it does not seem like pressure.  Reminding people is a courtesy and is a nice gesture.

5.  Select music ahead of time creating playlists: dinner music, dance music, Salsa, Alternative, Disco or whatever you think would work out best for each part of the party.  Music volume should be gaged by the crowd you invite.  Look around and ask people.  Have an outdoor space?  Think about setting up a boom wireless blue tooth speaker outside.  Create an ambiance with music that is delicious and beautiful.  Pandora is wonderful because you can punch in a genre or an artist and get music of that genre or style by different artists.  And it is free!

So there you have it.  My first five tips to having a great party and one where you won't be stressed out.  Enjoy your next party knowing you have made it one that is planned and organized, even to the games you may want to play.  The more you plan ahead and do things ahead the better the party.  And do think about lanterns attached to poles in your back yard!  They look incredible.


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