Give Meaning to Each Day

I have been thinking about giving a fun and perhaps meaningful meaning to each day and I came up with some positive ideas that each of us could focus on every day of the week, making every day a special day by giving it a meaningful twist.

This is what I came up with:

Mellow Monday:
I have decided that Mondays will be mellow and relaxing.  My suggestion is that we don't make any big decisions and kind of float on Mondays making it as relaxed as possible.  No matter what comes at us the trick is to not internalize it and to take it easy and breezy.  On Mellow Mondays we will not call about an appointment or try to get some bill or situation resolved and for more reason because Mondays are the busiest time in the places like phone companies and doctor's offices.  Take Monday as that first day back at work to be more relaxed and do things a little bit slower if at all possible.  No rushing just doing as you go along with a natural flow.

Terrific Tuesdays:
Decide that Tuesday is your terrific day.  You are going to have a lot of fun on this day and the day will be fantastic because you say so.  On Tuesday I recommend that you decide how and why it is terrific.

Wonderful Wednesday:
Wednesdays will be your wonderful day.  Magical things will happen and wonderful people will cross your path.  You will do wonderful things and tell yourself that everything will be a wonderful experience.  Nothing will go poorly because you are feeling wonderful.  You make that decision and stick to it.  Some of the wonderful things you do will be based on being creative about the way you live your day.

Throw Back Thursday:
On Thursdays you will remember people who were in your life who may have transitioned.  You will look back at those times when you had a good experience and had a lot of fun.  On this day you might dress as if you were back in the seventies or fifties.  You may post an old cool picture of yourself on social media.  It is a fun day when you throw back and you also relax.  Think of throwing back as a day when you take things easy.

Fun Friday:
Today is a day to have some child like fun.  Play a game with your partner or children or both.  Go to the park and ride on a swing in the evening.  Play a game of basketball with your son or daughter.  Paint a picture or color one.  Go out dancing.  Truly just make it a point to have fun even at work.  Tell a joke at work.  Do everything possible to enjoy the day.

Sassy Saturday:
Today is a day when you can say what you want as long as it does  not set out to hurt anyone.  Be your sassy self and speak up.  Be sassy and dress up differently and in a way that looks sassy and sweet.  Sassy Saturday is for doing silly things that bring you joy and a day not to take things too seriously.

Spirited Sunny Sunday:
Today dedicate some time to our deepest self, your spirit.  This is a time to be sunny and positive.  Do your best to put your best self forward.  Take the time for your inner self and your faith and beliefs.  Go to church if that suits you or simply take some time to meditate or chant or do something that feeds your heart.  Make this day one that is sacred for you and do things that feed you like journal writing or taking pictures or spending time with someone you care about or doing something for an elderly person.  Do everything with a sunny disposition.  Do things with a smile.

Every day can be special and you can make it special by designating it a day of whatever you want it to be.  I simply gave you some examples of what each day could mean and how you might like to use it.  Take the time to sit and figure out what you would like each day to be like for you week by week. What are the things you most want to do?  What are the things you'd like to happen for you?  Remember that each day is a new day and a day to move forward and see things in a new and exciting way.


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