Good Ways to Grieve

When someone dies it is difficult to know what to do to heal from the loss.  My worse grieving story is about when my sister died in her 20's.  It was sudden and a very big shock to know that she committed suicide in part due to a horrible marriage and abuse from her spouse.  Her decision to leave this world was much like the song about the artist and I feel still about my sister "This world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you".  Grieving her took a while but I believe we can all heal from a loss and grieve in a way that honors us and honors the person who has passed.

To me there are some loving ways to grieve such as:

Story telling: 
Talk about the life of the person who has transitioned.  Tell some stories about how wonderful they are and even some funny stories.  Honor that person by talking about them and not forgetting them as if they'd not existed.  Remembering that person in a positive manner will help you grieve them and move into a more positive place.

I think memorials are a beautiful way to process a loss.  People who know this person talk about him or her and the person who was closet to him or her gets a chance to process the loss in a way that is joyous and good for the heart.  Hearing others say wonderful things about the person who passed creates a venue for healing.

Use a Picture: 
Take a picture out of the person and display it with flowers or a candle.  A ritual with their picture may help you to release him or her and honor them.  It tells your spirit that this person will always be around in spirit.  By taking a picture of them and using it to show love you are remembering them and remembering the life you had with that person.  Just because someone is gone in physical form does not mean they are not here in spiritual form.

Say what you left unsaid: 
If you feel like there were things you wanted to say that were left unsaid write a letter to that person you love.  Say the things you need to say and the things you may feel you needed to say even if it was just to say "goodbye" or "I love you with all my heart".  Write it as if you were going to send it to that person. Fill it with loving thoughts and words for that person that you have lost in physical form.

The overall way to grieve is to honor the person and to honor your feeling.  The most crucial thing is to not deny your feelings of sorrow, embrace them and then do things that show love for the person or pet who you lost.


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