The 10 States of Our Lives: Buddhahood

The very last state of our life is referred to as Buddhahood.  Who knew?  I had referred to Buddha-hood before using the word not knowing that it was a word at all.  To my surprise it is a word and it has a meaning.  Buddhahood means that you are an enlightened person.  Unlike in the past it is no longer a state that only some can get to.  It is one that anyone can acheive.  It does not mean that you are a saint but rather that you are filled with compassion, you are courageous and acheived some pure wisdom.  It does not mean that you think yourself better or smarter in life than others.  In fact people who are enlightened help others and are humble.  It is not that they are not self-assured as well for there is nothing wrong with feeling an inner peace that perhaps one did not feel before, a serenity that many are seeking.

We are all on a journey to Buddha-hood is what I think. It is not a state of perfection but rather a state of inner peace and overwhelming joy where one even laughs without even trying.  When I met with three Buddhist in my home, one of which was a leader I could see and feel clearly that they were in their highest joy.  Everything was wonderful and everything was said and done with an open heart.  When I would apologize they would assure me and make me feel wanted and without fault.  They had this compassion that showed up in every move and every word they spoke.  I felt very loved but most of all I could see how serene and happy they were as well as how natural they were.  Nothing was forced.  Nothing was forced.  Everything was love.

I want to be a Buddha.  I want to achieve Buddha-hood.  I will be happy if I get ten percent there even if I never achieve it.  I want to be kinder, have more compassion, be pure in my communication and connection with others.  I want to learn how to let go of the ego and allow God to come in.  For me Buddha-hood is becoming the highest level of a person and man that I can be.  It is not longer for me about looking like a saint or convincing others of my purity or good.  It is really about being the best comrade I can be and helping as many people as I can.

You are on the path to Buddha-hood unless you are on the path I was on to Hell.  You are as worthy of becoming the Buddha inside of you as everyone else, even the Buddhist monks.  What you do matters and it will bring you to your center and to your Buddha-hood.  Don't be ashamed or shame others the way that I was shamed and in turn shamed.  Don't give up on your inner Buddha because he or she is in there screaming to come out.


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