The 10 STATES of Life 5

The fifth state of life according to Buddhism is "Tranquility".  In this state of life we are obviously at peace and we feel whole and calm.  We are in a state of being that is joyful and that has a beautiful feeling.  It is hard to stay tranquil when all around us we are experiencing some form of havoc and sometimes even worse.  My contention is that we can create tranquility by surrounding ourselves with good and kind people.  I also believe we can be tranquil by asking for it, meditating about it and understanding that our life does not have to be filled with havoc just because others are in a state of confusion or as I often put it, in a state of darkness.  This state of tranquility is what I strive for daily and what I struggle with often.  I am not fooled by people who are smiling because I feel a contrary energy. I see it because I see it in myself.

Recently I visited friends who were staying in a beautiful home in the Hampton's NY.  The place where they stay is called Sag Harbor and they prefer this part of the Hampton's because it's less "pretentious" and more "diverse", although I did not see one person of color.  I did however find myself in a beautiful state of serenity staying in the coach house with a beautiful bed adorned with linens of tan and beautiful cotton decorative large pillows with a duvet to match it's beauty.  Staying in that area in back of the house was for me a pleasure.  Equipped with a second bed in a loft area and a closet and full bathroom with a tub and shower it was like staying in a five star hotel.  In fact I would rate it with 8-10 stars.  I felt very special and the privacy was extra nice, not to mention the huge flat screen in front of me.  Everything was perfect but in all truth there were moments of anguish and anxiety for me.  In those moments I talked myself back to my joyful place.  In that moment I truly loved me more because I refused to be in fear but rather to be in a place of loving me. It was my tranquility.  My state of inner Buddha

My goal is to go from a person who worries to much and is often in his ego to a Buddha.  My understanding is that we can all become Buddhas and that we can experience that kind of tranquil living in our daily life.  One of the ways is by chanting and the other is by having an intention or goal as others call it.  I call it an intention because I collaborate with God energy to be in a Buddha like state of mind: Peace, Love, Courage and Honor.  In spite of what has gone on in my life I am striving each day and I am a survivor, in fact I am a hero to myself.  What  I want to manifest will happen.  What is mine will be effortless in getting.  I just have to know to remain tranquil and in my faith, in my truth.  My legs may be swollen, my ears might be big and I may have a little shortness of breath yet I am whole.  I can be whole just as I am and not judge it.  I can be completely at ease if I desire it and I work at it and I ask for it.  Nothing can take my peace away from me or from you either.

Remember to be in your own place of peace.  Work towards it.  Think it.  Pray over it or chant over it.  You shall have what you need every single time, even if you don't get what you want.  My daughter who is so lovely stated to me: " We might not always get what we want, but we will always get what we need".  Buddha, God, Goddess, Source will never forsake us.  Know that to be your truth as real as your two hands and as accessible as a cup of water.

elliott maximo collazo gonzalez


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