What You Intend Will Be

My statement for today is:

"Today is the very best day of my life.  In fact it is the only day that I have in the here and now.  I intend to live it fully and joyfully all day long.  Everything that happens today will happen organically and with ease, love and grace.  I will experience exactly what I need and I will meet with all the things that I need to be.  My spirit is full of light and I am ready to receive."

What kinds of statements do you make to yourself?  Many of us make some pretty scary ones that are not aligned with faith but rather with fear.  They both start with the same letter but they are of course just the opposite.  When we wake up with that doom and gloom attitude it will permeate our entire day and for some days at a time.

What is your intention?  Is it to feel joy?  Is it to feel abundant and compassionate?  What you intend will be.  It is that simple even though there are many who do not believe this.  For this very reason we see more people who are experiencing lack and unhappiness instead of what they deserve.  And by the way what you feel you deserve is the key to creating what you want.  Many do not feel like they deserve more and so they stay inside a limited circle where they sometimes feel trapped.  You have to have that real strong intention and add a little faith to that.

We have so easily intended to do harm and we do.  People also harm us in word and deed.  We easily fly into this act of anger or jealousy and we create a nice bucket of bad things one after the other.  We get to the point where we are so good at it that we make ourselves miserable.  Sad as it seems we are more accustomed to sabotaging ourselves than creating something good.  I simply look at that and see it as self-hate.  We can just as easily apply love and get more out of life.

Make your statement not with the car you drive but how you drive your life.  Have the intention to be and it will be as you intended it.  It takes faith but it also takes planning and skills.  When you intend you will be what you intend.  That is why it's imperative that you follow your heart and intend things for good like God did me through my journey with cancer, divorce and depression.  If I had the intention to die I would have.  If I had the intention to harm a person who harmed me I would of.  What I know is that none of this matters and that in the end it is what you intend for yourself that matters and will drive your life.

Put up a sign in your home with two or four intentions.  Place them in different areas of your home: living area, kitchen, mirror on bathroom cabinet, each one different and each one kind and loving.  Keep these intentions in your heart and mind every day.  Watch how they unfold in front of your eyes.  Believe you are worth it and believe you are deserving of it all.  What you intend will then simply BE.


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