How The Ego Destroys & Love Heals

There is a part of us that is humble and a part of us that believes we should love others and not judge others.  There is a part of us that is spiritual and knows we are all interconnected, even the plants and the animals, not just human beings.  There is a movement of people who believe that love is the answer and that hating and jealousy or greed is harmful to all of us.  In the Buddhist tradition the belief is that we are here to be in your highest joy and to help lift others.  We are here to spread love and to live in serenity and balance.  But for some the battle is inside themselves and it is often called the ego mind.  That ego mind judges and believes that winning at any cost is imperative and that competition is more natural than collaboration and loving connection.  That helping others is OK as long as it benefits us.

The ego mind is that part of us that taps our shoulder and asks us to judge, manipulate, become jealous or compete with others at work to get their job from them.  The ego mind is very jealous and very competitive.  It is the mind set that instead of loving and believing we are all connected is hating on others and not appreciating others, accepting them as they are.  When we are in our ego we are being manipulated by bad feelings and bad energy.  We act out with jealousy or anger and then we blame and project onto others.  In a spiritually motivated world we are accepting others and when we don't we understand that we are projecting onto others: our own anger issues, our broken parts and our injured child.  We understand that when we lash out at others or think poorly of them we are simply in a space of negativity.

We must take responsibility for what we do and feel towards others or situations that happen to us.  When we accept responsibility and turn things over to our Source or Higher Being, even if that higher being is within us, we live a much happier and more fulfilled life.  The Ego destroys and the way that it does that is by taking over your mind and placing thoughts in it that are destructive like hate and resentment.  Holding a grudge for example is motivated by the ego.  Gossiping about someone is motivated by the ego.  Saying hurtful things to ourselves or others is ego based.  It all happens when we let the mind do what I like to refer to it as: "run a muck".  The ego mind just runs our life and it does so until we run into a wall.

Our ego is fed in the same way that a famous person's ego gets fed.  People say things to us that lift us up and sometimes things that make us believe that we are better than anyone else or superior to most.  Parents often times will make their children think in this manner and these children become adults whose egos are large but their life is not.  They are people who feel sad often and alone often because they drive people away from them with their competitive forceful and angry energy and actions.

What do we do with our ego?  We understand it and we define it and then we do just the opposite of what we are dictated to do.  The ego is not a good force and even though feeling good about yourself and having great confidence may seem ego based, it is not.  The ego is a negative force in our life that asks us to behave with selfishness rather than selflessness.  To act with hate rather than love.  To act with jealousy rather than admiration.  If we are honest these feeling truly take our joy from us and much of what we do turns out wrong.  Love is really who we are.  Giving is the best feeling of all.  Being in acceptance is the least difficult place to live and the best feeling we can obtain and strive for.

Be in your love zone.  Let go of your ego and look at the world and its people from a place of acceptance and love no matter what.  My pastor shared a book with me and in it was a statement I won't forget: "Everyone deserves grace".  Everyone does deserve your grace and acceptance.  By letting go of ego based feelings and actions we become that person we were meant to be and we connect and love with all our heart.


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