Fear is a Man made Feeling

Today it came to me "Fear is not natural, it's a man made feeling".  As I thought about it more and more I convinced myself that this is a fact.  Fear is not natural, we create it.  We are in fear because we want to be or somehow been convinced of it.  The truth is that love is more of a natural reality.  Fear is un-natural often time not having any meaning or make any sense.  So my invitation is to look at fear as something of a foreign feeling.  I want to invite all of you to look at fear as a strange affliction, an un-natural feeling while love is a natural feeling and courage another feeling that is the opposite of fear.

I remember my daughter's birth like it was today.  She had gone into fetal distress but when she was finally brought to the earth via C section she was peaceful and loving.  It looked to me that she was born in joy and in love, not in fear.  Some may say that children are sometimes born in a hostile and shocking environment, some supporting the idea of a child being born in a tub or in a room that was darker, less bright.  That may be true but what I think from being a part of a birth is that regardless of how they come to the world they soon begin to smile and spread joy.  There seems to be no fear in a newborn child because there is not fear there.  Fear is man made.

There are reasons to be in fear yet what professionals say is that if we treat it with love and the fear with kindness we can make it better, even when someone is holding us hostage or raped us.  Showing them the fear does not normally get them to sympathize with us but rather showing them courage and normalcy does.  Even when there is a reason to be in fear acting it out does not normally help us.  In fact people who have befriended their captors are more likely to live and get through it.  There are some reasons to fear but for the most part fear is man made and is something we make ourselves believe.  We think ourselves into fear and we then manifest it.

Because fear is man made there is good reason to let it pass as soon as you start to feel it.  Passing through it takes believing that fear is false and that the fear you are feeling usually has no substance or reason.  Our life is filled with fear when we allow it to overwhelm us and when we believe it even when there is not a reason to be in fear.  Much like compulsive behaviors where fear takes over we are many times in an irrational fear and nothing actually happens.  Telling yourself you have no reason to be in fear is a good start.

Think about what you fear.  What happens to trigger fear?  Are you afraid of losing your job or your house?  Do you fear your child might have an accident and die in the process?  Do you fear your partner leaving you in the middle of your marriage?  What kinds of fears do you have?  Think about each one and then think about what would happen if you let go of that fear, all those fears.  Think about how you can and should apply love and courage to the fear.  Who or what can help you dissolve that fear?  Do this every time fear comes up that you know is not rational.  Even ask yourself: Is this rational?  Is this a real fear I am feeling?  Once you establish there is nothing to fear you can move into courage.  Believe in yourself and believe you can get over most fearful feelings.


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