Only Love Heals

It is hard to believe that love will heal us when people we love hurt us, but even then it will be love that will heal us in the long run.  We will be hurt and we will be disappointed over and over again.  We will have people in our life who will insult us or name call us or bully us.  Terrible things happen on this earth, including things like rape and homicide.  Yet no matter what the situation love is the only thing that will completely heal us from it.

I knew a woman who was molested by her brother and told her mom.  Her mother did not believe her and so her brother continued to molest her against her will.  It continued for years until she moved out and finally it was over.  What I realized was that up to the point of her telling me about it she had told me of visits by her brother and how funny he was.  I was shocked to find out that the same man she spoke of that had raped her repeatedly was the same man she relayed to me that she loved.  Even that he was humorous.  I witnessed for the first time in my life that Love could heal anything.  Her love for her brother healed her.  The love she kept in her heart for him released her from the hate and anger.  Only  love heals.

I have since met several women molested my a brother or family member, all of which have seen that person again in family gatherings and still felt love for them.  It is baffling for some of us but yet a testament that we can heal by loving or being in a place of love.  Not allowing the actions of a person to make you hate them is a short of a miracle.  Yet these women were able to put their ordeal behind them by forgiving and applying love to the situation they endured.  It does not mean they forgot about it but that they did not allow themselves to be defined by it.  I have had these women look me in the face and tell me things like "I don't want what happened to follow me the rest of my life and I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, it is over with now".

Who would think that love could heal anything.  Who would know except the people who had their child killed, went to visit the murderer, spoke to him or her and told them they were forgiven.  How could that happen?  How did these people forgive someone who murdered their child?  Love.  There is really no other logical response or reasoning.  Love healed each of these people who decided to forgive and to move on, because the other choice is to live in the hate and anger, poisoning ourselves every day of the week.

I have been cut and sliced up because according to doctors there was no other way to heal me.  I recall when my therapist asked me: "Will you be OK with being healed and not cured"?.  My immediate response was a resounding "Yes".  To this day I must be honest and say that love was what healed me and love is what keeps me going.  Love is what healed me and love is what may cure me.  Every time I think about being angry I simply say No.  I say no because it is not in my highest good to ponder anger around my illness.  It happened and it is done.  I have been operated and I will live this new life.  I will do so with love.

I love people.  I love animals.  I love life.  I love my family.  I love God.  I love my friends.  Because of love I am still alive.  Only love could have healed me.  It does not matter if I am cured or not because it is love that has healed me and will heal you.


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