What You Bring Forth: Healing Yourself Now!

"What you bring forth will save you.  What you don't will destroy you".  This is a quote from a guest on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday today.

This statement is one that is very true.  When we hold things back we destroy a part of ourselves whether it is letting others know we feel hurt or stating our deepest feelings.  Nothing is worse than holding it in and sucking it up.  We internalize it and we become spiritually and emotionally ill.  I am so much for stating what I need now because I feel it important.  Holding in your voice will make you feel badly and it will keep you in the Buddhist belief is hell.  Hell is the state we remain in when we don't speak our mind and defend our rights or fight for social justice.  Not just go to events but to be the example of justice, kindness and courage.

When  I was married I felt like I did not have a voice.  Like many people in relationships my former spouse had a false power over me.  Because I believed it I not only got sick, I felt like I was in my own hell.  I cannot blame this person for it because I allowed it and I did not get out on time, although I must add that there is no time like the present and now that I am out of it I feel freed and healthier in every aspect of myself.  I am no longer in his hell or mine.  I am no longer silly enough to  allow anything or anyone to control me no matter what the situation.  Today I have a voice and I am not holding anything in because I realize that it will destroy me.  No more self-hate and no more relationships with people I know don't love themselves.  What I don't say will destroy me and so I will always have a voice.

What you bring forth will save you.  I believe that because what I have voiced has saved me.  I have been healed by speaking about the abuse and the bullying in my life.  I am freed of hell by stating the truth.  I love myself more and telling people what I want has made my life much easier and happier.  In fact bringing forth my feelings and boundaries has been crucial to my healing.  Healing ourselves depends on not holding back and becoming more open hearted and honest.  Saving ourselves.

The very first boundary I finally created with my soon to be X legally and X spiritually was to change the locks on the door of my home, the home I nurtured and made beautiful.  At first I was terrified to anger him more than he was already but then I had become tired of him showing up without announcing himself or even coming by for no apparent reason, simply telling not asking me.  Eventually I asked my lawyer to put a stop to it and we did.  Just in time for him not to be able to parade his boyfriend in front of me as he'd planned.  For me it was about being cruel and inappropriate, even telling me his name.  It was so insulting to me and so disrespectful that it was the very thing that I knew needed to stop and for me a start to a life of having boundaries and not allowing anyone to bully me anymore.  Speaking your mind will save your life.  It does not matter who is the culprit and forgiving is key.  However, there is not any reason for us to allow anyone to hurt us.

If you need to speak up do so knowing that lovingly stating or stating it with courage will save you.  You deserve to be respected and loved.  You deserve to say what you need to say and not hold it in.   The more you hold it in the more you are killing yourself.  The more you kill yourself by withholding information the more you live in hell.  Speak up.  Find ways to do it with class and honor and courage.  Heal yourself from your pain before your pain and illness forces you to heal.


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