Forgiving Will Set You Free

I have often times shared this saying: "Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die".  That my friends is one of the few truths of life.  Forgiving others is like lifting the darkness away and dancing your way to the most spirit filled place inside you that will ever be in.  Nothing says hell like being angry at someone for something that has already happened and has no bearing anymore.  Anger will poison your heart and physically make you sick because unlike forgiving anger helps us to relive our hell and continue down the dark path to a state of illness.  Forgiveness on the other hand heals us and cleanses us, takes us away from the darkness and into the light.  Forgiveness is a state of love and in forgiving others and ourselves we can only go up to the heavenly place in ourselves.

I lived angry for over ten years of my life.  In fact I don't think I'd ever been that angry ever.  I would do things to hide it and then suddenly it would rear it's head in the long run and in the worse way.  I would isolate and feel alone and worthless because I was so angry and could not find a way to express it or get away from it.  It followed me day after day and night after night.  I felt like there was this veil over my head and I could not see but a few feet in front of me because I was so busy being mad.  I despised my relationship.  I disliked people around me that I felt I had to deal with and swallow every insult that came out of them.  I hated Elliott more and more and thought about suicide on occasion because I thought that I was stuck and there was not way out.  But there was and that way out was called "Cancer".  It was then that I had to make a decision to either continue to be miserable and angry or to set out to heal myself from it before it took me for good.  It was then that I became angry in a way what was geared at lifting myself from that place that felt like a prison to me. It was then that I forgave myself and started to live.

Anger can force us to live in a state of hell.  In fact anger does nothing more than poison us and blur every thing good in our life.  Anger will make some of us act out in ways that we would not otherwise behave.  But we must forgive ourselves and the people we perceive as enemies because in truth we are living in our own hell that we ourselves created or allowed.  The only way out is to forgive and forget.  The only way out is to pray and ask God to take it from us.

Anger is an illusion.  That is what I say to others and I am sticking to it.  Anger is a perception and not a truth or fact.  It is made up from what we believe have wronged us.  Anger is a poisoness addictive feeling that gets bigger if we don't put a lid on it and decide to let it rest.  And when I say rest I mean "rest in peace".  Letting go of the anger and filling that up with love and forgiveness is the only solution.  Nothing else has ever worked for me.  Nothing else will work better for you.


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