Believing What Is Truth Not Fact

Ever since that day when the doctor announced that I had cancer I have been asked to distinguish between fact and truth.  Fact is what she told me but truth is what I believe.  Fact involves data and truth involves faith.  In this way truth and fact are very different.  Truth has helped me to keep the faith and to want to live, possibly to actually live longer.  If I let facts rule my life I would lose my faith and I would simply look at my life as if it were a statistic, but it is not.  I know that because I want to breathe because of the truth in my heart that I will continue to breathe and to live.

We live in a world of facts.  We say to others "look at the facts" and things like "the facts, nothing but the facts".  We look at fact as if it were not debatable and that the facts are the bottom line.  Perhaps in some cases it is the fact that means everything yet I cannot be the one to live in the facts as others like me cannot.  We build our life on faith and truth.  The truth that Spirit Source is protecting us.  The truth that love will prevail.  The truth that we will survive.  The truth that we will live a longer life even when the odds seem against us.

What has kept me going for over a year?  Well the support of people who love me and who have faith that I am going to be OK.  The faith I have in myself and in my own ability to navigate my life has kept me here, alive and well.  Looking and focusing on the facts depress my joy and steal valuable hours away from me.  I am not going to allow myself to do that to myself.  I do not look at the data of my health and think about death but rather life.

So if you are in that group that is told that you are sick and there is little hope or that is suffering from either an emotional or physical ailment (I call it a health opportunity) you can reframe your circumstances to fit into your own belief system rather than that of doctors or tests that have often times been wrong.  For one man I know who was told he would live six months ended up living ten years.  You and your Spiritual Source are the ones who decide how long you live.  Your faith and truth tells you how long you will be on this earth and all that things you will do.  Keep planning your life.  Keep singing or dancing or doing what makes you feel joyous and alive.  Keep living YOUR truth.


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