The Ten States of Life according to Buddha

Today Is a culmination of my blogs on the Buddhist ten states of life.  I want to be clear in saying that Buddhism is not a religion it is a "practice".  The more you practice it the closer I think one is to becoming Buddha like or acquiring Buddha-hood.  You don't have to be a saint to get to be like a Buhhda although in some sectors of this practice it is believed that you can only achieve it upon death.  I would rather have it now I don't know about you.  I think that we certainly do create that state of life called Hell because we don't believe we deserve anything better.  It is why we stay in abusive situations in relationships, friendships or at work.  We think that the state of hell is normal and that it is what we should expect.  I Elliott Maximo Collazo no longer believe that.  I believe I will get closer and have become closer to my highest joy called Buddha-hood which is a much happier place to live.

For review the ten states of life are:

Buddha-hood: Enlightenment

Bodhisattva: Caring for Others

Absorption: Realisation

Learning: Self-Reflection

Rapture: Heaven

Tranquility: Humanity

Anger: Self-Righteousness

Animality: Instinctive Behaviour

Hunger: Greed

Hell: Extreme Suffering

Each of these states of living can become a positive force in your life or a negative one (especially Hell, Anger, Hunger, Animality which are considered the 4 evils).  I can understand why because of the time I spent in those 4 states of life.  But each one can be turned around when these thing become a source of inspiration, enlightenment and transformation.  Hell becomes a means to feel for others pain, Hunger becomes a want to have balance and tranquility in our life, Animality become a source of being grateful for the loving people in our life and Anger become a catalyst to seek justice in the world or to become stronger in your conviction.

As we experience less of the four evils and more of the positive states or gifts (I call them) such as Enlightenment, Caring for Others and Heaven we begin to unveil a beautiful person inside of us that is joyful and that can spread it around.  If we are more in the states of heaven and of Enlightenment and Learning we begin to live a life that is fuller, more peaceful and centered around becoming a better person and a better partner, better parent, friend, teacher, nurse or human being.  There are no tricks or gimmicks to follow.  It is simply us chanting and thinking thoughts that take us to a place of light and serenity.  As we learn more about the Buddhist Ghandi way we practice if again and again until we become the Buddha inside that we already are.  But it takes some work.  The more we work at it the better we get at it.

Offer an elder a ride to the store to get food.  Volunteer some time at the local shelter for battered women.  Donate your old clothing instead of selling it or throwing it out.  Pray and meditate every day offering Buddha or God or Source a promise to be the best you can be all day long.  Promise to help others and be of service while making certain to love yourself as well.  Believe in something because in reality we don't know everything..  Honor people by listening to them and responding with kindness.  Become the Buddha within.  Go forth!


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