"Get Into Lots of Trouble"

"Get into lots of trouble" my friend says to me.  Something inside of me could relate to that advise.  I want this year to be the best year of all and so far it has been filled with some special things.  When I think of getting in to trouble I think of having unabashed fun and pulling out the stops.  Pulling out all the stops means asking for what Elliott wants and deciding what his boundaries will be.  Knowing when to say yes and when to say no thanks is a crucial part of it.  This year I have been to California, now the Hampton's and next visiting a friend in Springfield Mo.  My biggest trip is to India in September where I will teach in a school and stay in an ashram for five days.  I will hopefully stay for three weeks.  It is a trip I have been longing to take for many years now and now there are no  barriers to stop me from going.  I intend to get into a lot of trouble but in a good way this year and my  celebration of life patty in May is one of the ways I am going to say yes to the joys of life.

I could have good reason to wallow in the dark parts of my life, to feel sorry for myself, but that is not what I want to manifest or create in my life.  The last year is a testament to the courage Source has provided for me and the miracle of my own life.  I am a warrior like my daughter said I am.  I am courageous and stronger than I ever thought I'd be.  I am a better person than that year in January when I returned from California and realized that my life would need to change.  I as they say did it "with a little help from my friends".  I was able to overcome the things I'd not thought I could in spite of people wanting to kill my spirit and in spite of my own doing for good or for bad.  We all make mistakes and I am not above that truth.

For me "get into trouble" just means have fun and don't censor yourself.  Enjoy the moment whether it is a spontaneous kiss or a long embrace.  Getting into trouble means to jump on a trampoline if that is what it takes to feel my feelings and cry a river of tears if that is how I am feeling.  My friend has only pointed out the obvious for me.  Live every moment, grab every opportunity, dance like a top and sing even if you don't sound like a singer.  Be in the moment your in and be OK with it.  Love who you are now and accept yourself as you are in this life and moment.  Shine your light when you feel like it might be helpful and say what you mean with all your heart.  Put everything you have into what you are doing.  Get into lots of trouble.


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