The 10 States of Life

As I continue my theme of the ten states of life I go inside and understand that this is something more profound and deep than I would have thought.  I realize that these states of life are very real for me and that they make complete sense.  Being aware of the 10 states of life: Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Tranquility and Rapture.

Now I have come to what Buddhism refers to as the noble paths.  I guess one could look at the states of life as paths as well and this is the first one.

Learning and self reflection:
This state is defined by the fact that we have to make an effort.  When one thinks of it learning does take effort vs hell where we often times fall into.  This state asks us to do some reflecting and what I get from this state is that self-reflection will result in some self-work.  If we don't reflect on our lives then we simply roam about in life in a somewhat aimless way which in my own life has not worked.  It is very different to live in the moment than it is to just roam without reason.

Life is a state of learning.  We are in a constant state of learning new things as long as we are willing and open to it.  I think that this state of Buddhism is asking us to look deeper at how we are living our life.  How we are doing things in life.  How we are willing to learn and love without fear and without reservations.

My life in the past year has gone from hell, hunger, animality and anger to self-reflection.  I started in a book club that is studying "The Course in Miracles", a Tibetan meditation group and had an energy healing.  I have gone from the anger to the self-reflection and admitting that I could use some healing.  The very last thing has been that I have joined a Buddhist group referred to as SGI which is a sector of Buddhist that believes in chanting, the ability to manifest what we want and that we are all interconnected.  I feel as though what has truly saved my life (and yes I have wished myself death) is that fact that I realized I needed to learn some basic lesson like: boundaries and self-love.  I needed to learn to look at myself closely and see my judgements and how harmful they are to me.

I am ready to take the "noble path" even if I am not sure what the hell it means.  It certainly sounds better than my former path.  Nothing is worse than the state of hell or the state of hunger where I have attempted to heal myself with things or other people, believing that someone else was going to care for me and lift my body off the floor where I'd been weeping.  The truth is that I had to find my own mojo and find my own path of reflection.

It may be time for you to learn and reflect on your life.  It may be the very best time to look inside and begin a process of learning about your life.  Where are you?  Where are you going?  Where do you want to be?  How do you want things to change in your life?  Use this notion that learning never ends and that growth is  result of being honest with ourselves.


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