Find Your Dream

I am sixty one years young.  I still have dreams and frankly I am sometimes surprised that I do.  I want to keep my joy meter up and I still think I may live to be older, maybe very old.  I will age graceefully.  I will continue to love myself and have dreams because I love myself.  I say no matter how many years young you are you can still have dreams and attain them, but how do we do this?

Make a vision board:
Make a board with pictures like a collage of the dream you are holding onto and you want to create.  Insert as many pictures and words that depict your dream.  Make it colorful and post it in your home where you can see it every day.  Let you mind let it sink in by lookng at it each day and thinking about those dreams, believing you can manifest them.

Write a Plan:
Write a plan of action as to how you will get to that dream and make that dream  happen.  Make it short and sweet.  In the plan there should be actions that have to do with attaining this dream by doing things that are physical, emotional, creative, financial and spiritual to attain it.  If you are looking to write a book you plan could look like this:
Physical: Write a minimum of twenty minutes a day.
Emotional: Journal about writing a wonderful book and the dream of finishing it.
Spiritual: Meditate for fifteen minutes a day with a guided focus on writing your book.
Creative: Think about what the cover will look like and do some research on pictures you could use.  Have someone photograph you for your cover or back cover.
Financial: Save as much money as you can that can be used for creating your portfolio that you are going to submit.  The money for the paper, copies and any other expenses involved.  Sacrifice other things to save the money you will need.

Write a Living Vision:
Write a vision as if you have already been successful at writing your book like a book signing day. Make it seem like it is happening in the moment.  Now.

Get Support:
Think about your resources.  Who will support your dream?  When you are feeling weak ask them if you could call on them for their support and pep talk.  Supportive people are important to surround yourself with.

Be Persistent:
Make up your mind that you are not giving up no matter what happens or what people say or how many NO responses you get.  Be persistent.  Give yourself pep talks when you need them and do things to relieve anxiety.

Seek a Higher Source:
Believe that you have a guide that is going to help you get to your goal.  That could be different for different people.  It could be god, buddha, goddess, spirit, self or any source.  When you believe there is a powerful force this can be helpful in gaining what you want, that wonderful dream.


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