The 10 States of Life: In Buddhism

The next state of life is called Absorption: Realisation.  This state is accented by Absorption is a lot like the state of learning but absorption is when we go within to get insight rather than to look outside like I have when I got involved with things like meditation.  There is of course nothing wrong with doing this and in some form it is also absorption.  Meditation and chanting is about looking inside and self-work.

My learning has required me to reflect but my absorption has made it my responsibility to become the Buddhist that I am made to be, step by step and by being honest with myself.  As I have been reminded repeatedly I go back to hell and anger.  I just don't stay there anymore.  In essence what is the point of my staying in hell?  Why do I need to be angry and what in Goddess' name will it solve: Nothing!  That's why I have decided to place my energy into absorbing what is good for me like love, joy and laughter.

We go beyond learning when we reflect and are honest with ourselves.  We go deeper into the part of us that is intuitive and knows what we need and what is the best thing to do and not do.  The state of Realisation is simply us becoming more enlightened about our life.

We can take absorption too far and become too absorbed in this or that to the degree of ignoring our family, our children and even our important life needs.  We know if we look around that there are many people who are self-absorbed or so deeply into something they cannot see anything else or anyone else, even others opinions or needs.

A woman I know is absorbed in shopping.  Her home looks OK and her presentation looks beautiful.  She buys things every week if not more often.  A new pair of shoes, a new ring or a hat, but when it comes to her home there is little absorption.  My guess is that she is in fear of whatever realisation might come forward if she thought too long about coming into her real self.  Many of us play this same game with ourselves.  Many of us don't realize how hard it is to go from just learning from a book to absorbing our deepest self.  To go from learning to absorbing and coming to a conclusion is a longer path that is going to require more of us.

Think about what it is that you are in need of absorbing and what you are in need of letting go of because it has turned into an obsession.  Go into your deepest self by quieting your mind and stopping the chatter, including watching too much TV or drinking too much.  Now is the time to take it up a few notches and look at your inner self, deep inside.  Become fearless and have the courage to look at the things in your life that need attention or love.  Use a journal to write about the things that you deeply feel and desire.  Write about the things that are obsessions and that need to be healed.  Look in the mirror and truly forgive yourself and ask your Source of strength to guide you.  In this way you will go from learning to absorbing.


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