Finding Neverland

"Finding Neverland" starred one of my favorite actors Johnny Depp.  In this movie he taught someone else's children how to be adventurous while bring forth his inner child.  It was about finding joy in fantasies and make believe.  The women in the movie was married and as one would think tongues wagged but this did not stop Depp from being a friend to her and her children, often playing with the kids in the park and pretending to be things like pirates.  It is a movie that makes us think about our joy and the ability to become like a child, happy and free.  What I feel that I know is how wonderful it is to be like a child, be silly and just laugh loudly.  

Here are some ways you can feel your Neverland-your fantasies and joys: 

1.  Behave like a child and do things that will access your inner kid.  Go to the park and swing on the swings.  Pull out some Legos or buy some and build some things with them.  If you have children they may join in but you must behave like one of them, maybe even changing your voice to one that sounds like a little child, laughing a lot and becoming like a friend to your kids.  You can even change your name so that the play time will be even more like a fantasy.  Find something that you like in a toy store and buy it for the occasion.  A toy train set, a doll, a battery operated car or a skate board are among some of the toys you might like to buy for yourself.  

2.  Write a love letter to your inner kid: 
Take time to write your inner child a love letter telling him or her how much you think of them, love them and appreciate them.  Tell him or her how proud you are of them and why.  Write all the things that you always wanted to hear from your mom or dad or things you did hear from them.  Wait a day or two and then read your letter out loud.  If you trust someone to be supportive you can allow that person to read it to you as if from your mom, dad or grandparent.  Once you or someone else has read the letter you can put it away in a box and read it again when you feel like it.  

3.  Pitch a tent: 
A tent is a fun way to go back to your inner child.  It can be one you pitch outside or you can put it together with covers inside the house.  Tents are a child like activity that most kids love.  The more child like the tent the better.  Fill up the tent inside with things to play with or things to do like a book, dolls, crayons, coloring books, paints and posters board.  Play inside your tent.  Enjoy every moment and once again if you like invite your children to join you or your spouse or both.  Dong this alone could be what you prefer as it gives you alone time as well as fun time.  

4. Sponsor a game night: 
Host a night of games and  play games for a few hours.  Invite your neighbors and let them know that this is a night to simply be silly and funny.  Ask them to bring games they like.  Active games are fun like Twister or Charades.  The games do not have to be age appropriate and in fact could be games like "Pretty Princess" where you play for the various things that make you the princess like a crown or a wand.  It is especially funny when men  play this game and wear the various  parts like the necklace and the crown, even though the game may have been devised for little girls.  I must admit I did play Pretty Princess with my neighbors one night, all men and we had a blast laughing for hours.  

5.  Wading pool: 
Buy a wading pool that you can fit in and invite friends over to play in the pool.   Add a beach ball to the mix.  If you feel silly then you are accomplishing our goal to find Neverland, your inner child and your fantasies.  Splish and splash in the pool.  Enjoy your inner kid and let him or her come out.  

Finding Neverland is about finding your inner child.  These are the times when you just feel like you want to let it all hang out as they say.  Being in that child and acknowledging him or her can be a lot of fun.  


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