How To Get What You Want and Need

I have thought about this idea of getting what one needs and wants and have come up with some practical ways of  getting what you want or need or both.  Let's talk about the basic formulas and schools of thought such as:

Asking for what you want or need.

Creating a vision around what you want.

Doing the work and collaborating all at once.

Having the passion.

Searching and uncovering your resources, all of them.

So when we are on this quest called life there will be times when we are seeking either a need or a want in our life.  When we were children many of us heard the word NO repeatedly so that it geared us into believing a lie which is that we would never get this or that thing.  Our parents often times had to say No but where they failed us was in sharing that we could work towards a yes or affirmative and positive outcome.  They also may have not emphasized things like:

Asking for what we want:
We are use to the message that asking for exactly what we want is a bad thing.  One is being self-serving or self-centered.  Yet there are parents who raise their children to believe they can have any thing their heart desires and so do self-help writers and intuitive women like Marianne Williamson and Sonia Choquette.  Believing we can ask is a start to getting what we want and need.  If there is a person who has something we want or can help us produce it we should ask.  From the simple act of asking to be given a massage to becoming a partner, asking is the only way we will know if we can get that which we desire.  As an example many people have started a business with other people's money.  They asked for what they needed and there were  generous people who either lent it to them or gave it to them.  Ask for what you need and want and you just may be heard and someone may give it.

Create that Vision:
Do everything as though you are going there and that you are there already.  Have the vision that you are already the owner of a business or a wife to a beautiful and kind man.  Create that vision in your mind and on paper.  Write a "living vision" about what you desire to happen in your life as if it were already true, already occurring in your life.  The mind can be molded into turning this vision into truth.

Do the work and be collaborative:
Don't expect that your future husband is going to come to the door and ring your bell.  You must go out there and meet people and put the message out to others that you are open to relationship and looking.  Get referrals from others and keep your spirit open.  Doning the work means different things to different people.  One  person may join a dating service and another attend a class or a program that will manifest what their heart and soul and spirit needs.  Others pray or meditate.  You must do some kind of work and collaborate with spirit, with other people or with your inner parts that tell you that you are not worthy or that it cannot work.  Do your work and become a collaborative element in life.

Having Passion:
You must begin by believing and having the passion, the desire that it takes to get what you need or want.  You must get excited about it.  Don't hold those inner feelings back.  Let those feelings really launch with passion and show up in living color.  Ask yourself if this is really your passion and if it is go after it like a jockey riding like hell to win that race.  Don't let go of that passion and excitement because it will drive you.  It is passion that separates the girls from the women and the boys from the men.  Make a vision board that depicts your passion and your desires.  Keep that dream alive.

Look for and find your resources.  They are there in the form of people and things.  Who do you know that will support your dream and is willing to love you through the pain and the hard parts.  Who do you know that has the skills you don't have and need?  Get busy finding those people.  They are all around you and if they are not they will be if you desire it for yourself.  Who do you know that knows someone who can assist you and be of service to you?  It is a two ways street so be ready to give as well as to receive.  Don't be afraid to put it out there to others that you cold use their skills.


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