Never Forget Anita Hill

There are many women who have been abused sexually by men in the workplace.  Anita Hill was only one of many, if not thousands of women, maybe even millions.  The thing about accusing a male of this crime is really a roll of the dice for women, especially when they are powerful men like the judge (Thomas) she stated and detailed every obscenity this man aimed at her.  In the end as some know she was never believed and in fact she was humiliated and even her life was threatened.  Why would Anita Hill accuse Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment and complete disrespect?  Why would any woman do this and then be so specifically.  I for one believed every single word out of her mouth.  There was not any reason for her to come forward and make up such a alleged lie.  It was obvious that nothing was rehearsed.  It was obvious that she could clearly detail everything that happened without skipping a beat.  We can never ever forget Anita Hill.

Today I saw a documentary about Anita Hill and the situation with Clarence Thomas.  I truly felt a calling to share that it was a horrible  injustice she endured.  An injustice that women are still enduring today for standing up and being honest and telling the truth.  Interestingly in a man's world like the government and most of the officials a woman telling on one of them was like asking to be spiritually raped because in this world women have had to fight tooth and nail to be respected and counted.  Even then many men still believe that women should not be in a position in government.

When Anita read her experience to an audience of men in government one could see the body language in the men.  It was one of apathy and of emotional separation completely.  It was as if she was discussing  getting tripped by a boy on a playground.  As though she had asked them to pass the salt.  The fact that she was black I believe made it an even worse for her.  All the men who were hearing her complaint were all white males.  Even white women noted how uneven the representation of the world was in that men's group.  These men were there to trip Anita up and to try to get her to make a mistake according to women government officials and other women of power.  IT was like a circus to humiliate Anita, a woman who was a professor of law and had left her job with Clarence Thomas because of the horrific experience with Mr. Thomas.

If you are woman readying this I would like to ask you to take every opportunity to stand up for your rights and to not be deterred by this case.  If you are a man reading this I want to ask that you be the more compassionate and respectful of women and that if you can support women's rights, not allowing this kind of thing to happen to any women around you.  If you are a parent please raise your boys to know that women are equal to them and that they should be gentlemen at all times, teaching them how to treat girls early on.  Instill that compassion and respect when they are little boys.  Never forget what happened to Anita Hill or any other women like her.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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