How to Live Like You Mean It

I understand that it takes all kinds and I also get that some of us are not living up to our fullness.  I don't mean potential I mean living our life like we mean it.  Doing things that make us soar not just bring us a little joy but that make us fly like a bird.  Living like we mean it means doing everything of what we mean to do.  There is nothing left to chance but rather we play and we enjoy every moment that we can while we are here.  No feeling sorry for yourself and no regrets the next day.  Living like there is not tomorrow and there is only today is living life like we really care.  Like we mean it.

You know when you are living life like you meant it when you don't second guess yourself and you don't wait for approval from anyone.  You do the things that lift you way up and you don't apologize to anyone for being you.  You don't take prisoners but at the same time you are never to be imprisoned by anything: job, spouse, friend or stranger.  No one tells you how to feel because you are very sure of how you feel and what you want to do and say, how you want to act and play.  Not hurting others but rather stating your boundaries and limits.  Living like you love yourself and then sharing that with others.

I live like I mean it now more than ever.  I think because in the past I was allowing situations and others to dictate who I was and what I would decide to do.  I was around people who were harmful to my spirit and now I am far far away from that negative energy.  Now I live like I mean it and if I want to go to a movie I do so, if I want to eat a burger I do it bigger and better and if I want to listen to salsa music all day and shake my ass I do that.  That for me is living like I  mean it.  I no longer have anything or anyone to use as an excuse to limit my thoughts or my actions.  I live like I want to and like it really matters now.

I order to live like you mean it you just have to be decisive about you and what makes you you.  You have to look in the mirror and know and love that person you see looking back at you.  You no longer need to be validated by anything: money, prestige or a partner.  You stand alone and you love it and in fact enjoy our own company.  When you live like you mean it you do as you wish as long as it is not hurting anyone else.  There are no limits or anything controlling or censoring you.  That is when you know you are living like you mean it.  Truly mean it.

Some people live years and years in situations that slow them down, eat their spirit up and make them  feel incomplete.  Some of us live like that for years with others around us that slow us down or don't respect us.  We live with folks who don't care how we feel and in fact only care about themselves.  We stay day after day in friendships that are toxic and incredibly abusive.  Then is when we know we are not alive and we feel kind of on the edge of death or a hell like state.  We aren't living our truth and we are letting someone else tell us who we are.  We are not living like we mean it.  When we rise up from the state of hell: sadness, anger, resentment, loneliness or pain, we truly begin to see the light of the meaning of life.  We then are ready to live like we mean it.

Ask yourself if you are happy living the life you live with the people you interact with.  Be honest with yourself and if the answer is NO then it is time to shift and make that move.  Get off that bus and catch the next jet to a more heavenly state of life.  Get off that bus with the people who are not serving you and get on the fast train to serenity.  Take your life back by doing one thing each day that is just about you and you alone.  Learn to live like you mean it by practicing a different mode of operating.  At the very least try catching the express bus.  Living like you mean it will take time but if you write each different action you have taken each day you will eventually live a life that has and feels like it has purpose.  Living like you mean it means life as you want it to be filled with actions that speak to your heart and soul.  You can do it and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot.  Live life with meaning because everything you do means something.


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