Change Your Perception Change Your Life

If you are what I call a non-believer please don't bother to read this blog.  In order to change your life you must be a believer, especially a believer in yourself.  The only way to change our life is to change the way that you perceive each and every situation.  No one has ever overcome a bad situation by allowing it to consume then but rather by looking at it and seeing the opportunity to grow.  How we look at our circumstances makes a world of difference.  How we perceive life situations makes a difference in how we address them.  If we perceive every situation with doom then we will experience doom.

A woman was to be married in a couple of weeks when out of the blue her finance had a bad car accident.  The accident left him paralyzed and unable to speak clearly.  He went from a healthy, handsome man to a man who looked nothing like what he did before the accident.  The woman who was to be his bride was concerned but she turned her concerns over to her higher power.  She asked that if she was to fall out of love with him that she be informed of it and sure of it.  That did not happen and in fact she felt as though she loved him more.  She decided to marry him in his wheelchair and in his physical state.  This story is an example of how one person perceived a bad situation and did not allow that to stop her from loving someone.  This story is about having the courage to face circumstances and perceive them as just a light rock in the road that could be lifted out of the way.

When we perceive things in a way that is about learning and about just having the experience we can get through anything.  If we perceive circumstances as a challenge and a chance to grow then we can get though any situation no matter how bad it looks.  Perceiving life as a series of challenges as well as experiences of joy gives us a chance to grow rather than to act out as though we are a victim.  The reality is that we can either see ourselves as a victim or we can see life situations as life situations.  There will always be things in our life that will challenge us.  There will always be rocks in the road. Yet most of us have been able to lift that rock even if we have to ask for help to move it.

We can all change our perception and hence change our circumstances.  How we look at life makes all the difference.  People who perceive each situation as a situation and just part of life are likely to be able to move beyond it.  Those of us who understand that life is one situation and then the next one understand that none of what happens to us usually that bad that we cannot get through it.  All we need is to change the way we view each and every circumstance in our life.

List a couple of current challenges you are facing:
Next to each situation write about how you will overcome each one.
Next to each challenge write a statement that focuses on resolving that situation.
Write a name of a person who you know would support you though these situations and plan to call them and ask for their loving support.
Now write for fifteen minutes free style about these situations.  Let the fears come out.
Additional: write a letter to your higher power about these challenges.


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