What Women Want

I have been the lucky recipient of some interesting and enlightening comments shared with me by women.  Many times I wish that other men could hear and understand the concerns of women and be able to respond in a way that honors them.  Whenever the opportunity arises I share what women say with men if I feel as though they could learn from it.  If only men would be more willing to hear what women have to say the world would like be a better place and relationships would be based more on communication and honesty than just a physical attraction.  Here are some things women have shared with me that may be helpful to men:

Women don't like arrogant men: 
Women dislike men who are arrogant and think themselves overly important.  Women like men who are humble and will admit to their shortcomings rather than act as though they are perfect.  Women want to be with men who believe them to be equally as important as they are and value them.  Women dislike arrogant men because along with the arrogance there is this false belief that he is better than everyone else.

Women love a gentleman: 
It may feel like a lost art but women love men who are gentlemen.  They like men to open the door for them, pull their chair out and pick them up at the door.  Although there are exceptions most women will admit that they love a gentleman and all that comes with being a gentleman.  I cannot begin to say how many times women have shared how lovely it is to be treated like a lady.

Women want to be acknowledged and respected: 
Women like men want to be seen and respected.  Interestingly women want to be acknowledged for some basic things like their cooking, their parenting skills and the way they look.  In this way women are different from men.  Women want to be respected and unfortunately men don't understand this fully.  Even when men are joking around in a group and using fowl language women feel disrespected.  Women want to be seen and heard and to know what they think and do matters.

Women don't want to compete with their spouse or lover: 
For sure women don't want to compete with their partner.  Men tend to sometimes be competitive with their spouse or girlfriend whether it is playing a game or dressing up.  Women don't want to compete with men for attention or to appear smarter than their partners.  When a man competes with a woman it is a sign that there may be some jealous motivation.  Women don't like to complete with the person who alleges to love them.

Women want to feel beautiful: 
Women love being complimented especially by the men they love.  Women want to feel beautiful and often times dress nicely and apply makeup to enhance their beauty.  Part of loving a woman is telling her that she is beautiful.  In a society with so much competition between women around beauty it is important that your woman know you think her to be beautiful.

Women want to be romanced: 
Romance is important to women.  They want men to romance them, cuddle with them and give them an occasional card with a love message.  They love flowers and an occasional small gift.  Romantic music is another thing that women love and playing romantic music and dancing with them is some thing they would find special.  Although there may be exceptions to the rule most women love to be romanced.

Women want to be women: 
Women want to just be women.  They want to feel as though their gender is embraced and that what makes them a woman is wonderful.  Women want to have the freedom to be a woman with all of the characteristics of a woman.  Although there are exceptions most women just want to be seen as who they are with all of the parts of them that make them a woman.  They want to be celebrated and this is as it should be.


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