How To Stay Younger

There are so many myths about how to stay looking younger.  For some it means plastic surgery and for others it is the use of 300.00 bottles of moisturizer.  It seems like Botox is very popular and we are stopping at nothing to ensure that we stay young.  This blog is not about becoming younger by getting surgery.  This blog is about staying young the natural way.

Here are some tips for staying younger:

Drink lots of water:
There is no magical secret that water keeps us healthy, hydrated and promotes moisture.  Drink those 8 glasses of water daily and keep your body hydrated.  If the inside of you is dry it is going to show on the outside.

Get the rest you need every night:
Get the sleep you need every night.  It may not always be possible but sleep 6-8 hours a day depending on what your body is telling you.  Listen to the messages you receive from your body and rest for as long as you think you need to sleep, about 8 hours.

Drink a minimal amount of liquor:
We all know people with a history of drinking and can see how it ages them.  The easy solution is not to drink but if you have to drink keep it at minimum knowing that it will effect your physical self.  Nothing about drinking is glamorous or will keep you looking young.  A glass of red wine is known to be healthy so if you are going to have some liquor pull out the wine goblet first.

Exercise daily:
Every day we should so some form of exercise.  When we get use to this it becomes second nature and our body and mind need it.  It is so good for the mental state and even better for our body and we all know that this is where we see the difference in age.

Meditate or pray:
Keeping our mind clear and tranquil is another way to stay younger.  Worry and stress will age us when we think about how it effects our sleep and our sense of well being.  Meditation is known to balance us out and instill peace and serenity, both a good way to stay younger and feel good overall.

Moisturize your skin:
Keeping our skin moist does not have to cost 300.00 a jar.  I admit that once I tried a 300.00 moisturizer and it felt divine.  Still most of us cannot afford this price tag (the moisturizer I tried was a wealthy friend's purchase) and most of us are working class people.  I use Clinque for men on my face and body butter from Trader Joe's for my body.  I moisturize daily after a shower and have put facial moisturizer in the morning and then at night.  Find an affordable product that suits you and don't be afraid to ask the person at the counter about a product that they might recommend that is not expensive.  The more moist your skin is the younger you will stay.

Avoid long exposure to sun:
Sun is our skins enemy if we expose ourselves too much for too long.  I love a little sun on my face but I limit it to a couple of hours depending on how direct the sun is hitting me and how hot it is outside.  I rarely have sat in the sun and at 62 I have been told repeatedly that I look like I am around 50.  By the way tanning is just as bad if not worse, never ever mind skin cancer.

Stay socially active:
Go out to the parties.  Meet your fiends out to dance salsa.  Stay socially active and keep moving and meeting new people.  Socializing is fun and will keep you on the go.  I love going to art galleries, museums and dinner parties.  It is important to stay socially active if you want to remain younger.

Think young:
I took the word "old" out of my vocabulary.  Never think old but rather think younger.  The more you believe you are young the younger you will appear.  There is nothing wrong with denial when it comes to age.  Deny that you are old.  Be seasoned.


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