How To Meditate

As I have said before I am OK with people not liking or relating to the word "meditation".  IF that is you then I suggest you label it differently and maybe some other wording fits better like: holding reverence, becoming silent, creating a sacred space or becoming quiet.  Whatever you call it understand that a daily practice where you are still and quiet has many advantages including clearing your mind and helping you to become centered and focused.

Here is one way to meditate or hold reverence:

Put on some "meditation or calming music" on Pandora or a CD

Sit or lay in a comfortable place and close your eyes.

If you prefer light some tea lights that are safely housed.

Inhale through your mouth for a count of ten and hold it for a count of four.  Exhale completely and slowly out of your mouth.  Do this a few times.

Return your breath to an almost normal breath but stay in your awareness of your breathing.  Be aware of your breath and do this by holding your hands over your chest.

Now silence every thought that comes to you.  You may repeat a mantra that will help you do do this like: "I am centered and feel completely peaceful".  Start over and over if need be by doing your best not to think about what you are going to do next or worries of any kind. BRING YOURSELF back as many times as you need to do that.  Say things like: "my mind is silent and I am now centered".  Do this for at least ten minutes and increase the time by five minutes each week.  The longer you meditate the more benefit you will see and the more clarity you will have about your life.

There are other ways to meditate and there are what are called guided meditations.  Guided meditation is useful in that with the use of words you are guided in a direction and purpose for the meditation.  I want to encourage you to start a mediation practice today.  Follow it for at least thirty days.  See what you think.


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