Steps To Moving On

It is Spring again.  A good time to do some spring cleaning and that includes the people you interact with and the things you are holding on to.

Here's how:

Look at your phone and email contacts and decide which ones to delete.  There is one good reason to delete someone and that is that they don't contact you and that you are doing all the work in the relationship.  By deleting them you let go and are likely doing them a favor.  After all they don't interact with you anyway and it is likely a good time to let go.  This is not something that is to be taken lightly.  Think about who you are deleting and make exceptions for the ones you know you will likely need some connection with, like family members.

Take a look at the things you have in your home: clothing, furniture, papers and the like.  Go through these items by dedicating about an hour each day to placing them in a donation box or throwing them out.  We all know that we can easily collect things we don't need anymore and that clutter our home and our mind.  Get rid of those things because it is likely that these things are holding you back.  In addition, there are people who need these things and resale shops do a great job of helping us to recycle these items and save our land from all these landfills.  When you get rid of things you don't need you will feel much lighter.  After all, life is not about how many things you own.

Take an even closer look at who you spent or continue to spend your time with and decide whether each person is worthy of your company.  A big part of moving on is letting go of any relationship that no longer serves you.  It may seem selfish to want something back from  the people you provide love to but that is only a myth and the reality is that you deserve to be served as much as you serve others. If you have been giving too much in any situation with any person it is likely time to move on and clean house in this area of your life.  Obviously this area of your spring cleaning is a much more sensitive one but is definitely a part of moving on and moving up.

Forgiveness is key in being able to move on and do so with some love in your heart.  Forgiving those people who have wronged you or who you believe have wronged you is the most important thing you will do on your path to moving on.  Holding on to grudges or anger will impede us from moving forward.  Forgiveness statements help us to forgive others and go on with our life.  Forgiving our selves is part of this forgiveness process.  When we forgive ourselves we clear the emotional path and we are more able to live a new life.

Sometimes moving on is so difficult that we need support.  In this case we should seek that support in the form or counseling, life coaching or a support group.  Take the time to contract your local mental health clinic and get the information you need to get the kind of support you need.  We must all admit form time to time that we cannot go it alone and it is OK to admit you need help to process whatever is holding you back.  There are many wonderful mentors and groups that are helpful and some are free.  Getting the support we need to move on is a gift we give ourselves.

Lastly, take an inventory of each area of your life: spiritual, physical, emotional and financial.  Decide what needs to be done in each area to improve your life.  It may be that your spiritual being needs to join a congregation or begin a daily practice of mediation.  You may decide that exercising each day is what is needed in your life to feel healthier and have more energy.  By looking at each aspect of your life and deciding what needs to be given some loving healing.  No one knows better than you what you need and what will help you to move on.  Even though we are all different these are some general ideas on how to move on.  I hope this helps.

Fill  up one donation box three days a week until you have donated all the thing you don't need.

Go through your phone and email contacts and delete the ones that no longer serve you and that you know you need to let go of.

Make a commitment to each aspect of your life and write it down. Follow those commitments for a month.


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