LIfe Is a Mediitation

I have been thinking about this for a long time.  I believe that life is about finding time to be serene and quiet.  Life is about quieting the voices inside our head and about centering ourselves and receiving the messages that the universe is sending to us in every moment but especially in moments when we are in need.  Life is a meditation because meditation is how we find our way back every time we stray away from what is our highest self.  Through meditation we learn what it is we need to do to further our cause and have a more complete life.

When I share meditation with others I give them an option to call it what they like: silent time, serenity time, sacred space time or reverence.  No matter how you put it there is a need to become silent and to reflect and whether you call it mediation or not really is not the important part of it.  It is however important that we take the time daily to become quiet and reverent.  It is in those moments when we are called upon to reflect and to listen to the messages either outside of us or inside of us.

For some of us there is a natural instinct to believe in a higher being.  We ask for guidance during those time of reverence or during a meditation.  For others we are our own inner guide and when we reflect we look at the other persona inside of us to provide answers.  Whether we believe in God or guides like angels is not the point.  The point is that many of us find the need to be guided by a force we deem greater than ourselves.  Asking to be guided during a time of silence can be very healing.

In my studies as a life coach and spiritual mentor I have learned that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  No matter how enlightened we may think we are we are human and subsequently vulnerable to making mistakes.  Since we were born imperfect we struggle with the spiritual side of us and the human side of us.  The truth is that we don't need to struggle because both are a part of who we are.  We are darkness and we are equally light.  We will often experience that we know darkness because of the light and light because we have known darkness.

Life is a series of meditations and as long as we know that nothing needs be that much of a surprise.  When we meditate we bring forward a spiritual guidance and a way to answer some of the things that we are concerned about.  In silence we find that life is a meditation and a time to be reverent with ourselves.  As we travel through this things we call life we understand that the one thing that matters is that each day we hold it sacred.


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