Your Gratitude Equals Your Abundance

We have often heard that being in gratitude will increase our level of joy.  When we are in gratitude and appreciation for what is good in our life, we will inevitably create more of that goodness in our life.  There is really nothing more simple than this equation my friends.  Gratitude equals abundant living and lifts us from that which we struggle with each day.  When we are stuck in the darkness and in what is going wrong in our lives we bring more of that into our life and when we switch to being grateful we balance the dark parts and it overshadows anything that we are going through.  It takes time but if we are willing to do the work and to count those blessings we will find that at the end of our journey things that might make us feel fear will only serve to teach us.

Gratitude is a feeling of abundance and appreciation for everything and everyone.  It is no wonder that when we are in a state of gratitude we are also in abundance,  When we are starving for something or yearning for something different we miss the very basic fact that as long as we are in gratitude we will rise up.  It is an inevitable result of seeing the sun, loving our children and being in joy about god's grace.  We all have things to be grateful for yet it is not what we focus the most on.  We focus on what is wrong in our life and when we forget to count those things that are right we dismiss so many possibilities, so many ways we are gifted.  The sun is shining, we are breathing, we have a home and food to eat, our family is healthy, our hearts are beating, all of which are good reasons to be elated and joyful.  Being in gratitude is being in the light and exposing more of what we want.

Maria has been fighting cancer for some years now.  She is an artist who is well know in California.  She lives in a condo that her well to do former husband bought for her as a divorce settlement.  She is a Buddhist and believes she creates her own joy in life.  She is not just smiling all the time but she is a person who loves to joke and make others laugh.  One night I invited her over and offered her a shoulder and head massage.  Although she hesitated she admitted that she would love it and needed to be pampered.  As I massaged her I could feel her energy of joy and appreciation coming out of her body.  She did not have to say anything for me to know she was in gratitude.  What stuck me the most about her is that she never complained and in fact would find something of humor in her battle with cancer that she has fought for over ten years now.  The thing about Maria is that she shines whether or not the sun is out.  She laughs in spite of her pain.  She loves even though she is not in love with any one person.  She is in gratitude for what she has and rarely mentions what she does not have.  As long as she is alive I know that Maria will be joyous because she appreciates all that she has and does not dwell on what she does not have.  She is a shining example of what I am talking about and what I do my best to teach and live.

How many of us can be like Maria?  I often receive lessons from others like her because there are times when admittedly I feel sorry for myself.  It is all the Maria's in my life who have struggled being single moms and life threatening illness that make me understand that courage is not something we have in a box that we can pull out when we need it.  Courage is gratitude and courage is breathing in spite of how hard it may be to breathe.  When we are in a state of appreciation we understand fully that life is not about being a victim but instead being a warrior.  Like Maria there are many others in the world who have been dealt a card they did not think of but who have put the card aside and picked up another one that they prefer to focus on.

To say that we have struggled seems so much a waste of our own time because in the end it is not about what we accomplished but rather what we have overcome in life.  When we think that we could never do this or survive that we end up doing so and dong so in a courageous manner with dignity and with our eyes on what is beautiful that surrounds us.  Our children, our mothers, our pets, our siblings or our teachers.  God has a way with us that is magical and has no common explanation.  Your gratitude my beloveds equals your abundance in life, having nothing to do with money.  Your abundance grows when you are grateful for the simple things and the very people who love you.  Understanding this will fill us with joy and more of what we deserve.

I leave you with these questions:
What have you in your life of abundance that you should be thankful for?
When was the last time you said thank you to God?
Who in your life needs you to love them?
Are you willing to do the work required of you?


  1. Beautifully expressed, El. Now let's go to Ross and manifest our abundant you, Brother. xxo K


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