Letting Go Of Everything

It seems that in many forms of music letting go is a theme.  Letting go of the person who no longer loves us.  Letting go of the past.  Letting go of someone who has died.  Letting go of the things that don't serve us.  Letting go of the addictions that have a hold on us.  Letting go and letting God. Letting go of whatever does not serve us and who ever does not serve us.

For some starting over has meant that they let go of everything and start over.  They let go of their job, sell or donate everything they own and join the peace CORP.  Why do people do this?  What is it about letting go that makes a difference?  Why must we let go in order to start over again?  The simple answer to this question is that letting go un burdens us and gives us a chance to start new and shed the old.  It is one of the ways we disconnect from what we may be feeling has too much power over us or may be holding us down.  We want to be free.

A very rich man who wrote the documentary I AM sold everything that he owned including various homes, cars, airplanes and designer clothing.  This came to him after a horrible accident on his bike that rendered him paralyzed for a portion of his life and that was the reason he decided that this was not what meant anything of importance to him.  In his quest to find who he really was he decided that he would live in seclusion and get reconnected with his true life purpose.  Not only did he find his joy he remained living in simple seclusion till this day.  He is a person who apparently found meaning in letting go of whatever had a hold on him, subsequently finding his true happiness.

We make fun of people who let go of everything on a quest for healing yet what we don't understand is how disconnected we are to the world, to our feelings and to life.  We think that people who do this must be crazy yet the truth is that they are far from it and that there is an argument for their being more sane than the rest of us.  Still we have so many times pondered the idea.

Our attachment to our material things often become what enlslaves us.  Our debt to banks becomes the reason we work every day.  We spend a lot of money buying things in an attempt to be happy and many of us take this concept so far as to get in debt.  Many of us get up each morning wondering what will happen if we were to lose our job or what life would be like without our Mercedes.  It is no wonder why many people have and will let go of all that they own because in part it has so much negative power over them.

Letting go is part of life.  It is the same as knowing that we will lose some things and people in our life.  Letting go is sometimes the best decision we can make, because upon letting go we free ourselves to live a life that is much more joyous and less demanding.  We take off the handcuffs and we finally feel like we are more mobile and have more choices.  For some letting go means we take back our original happiness, the one we had before we got so tied up in the car, house, furniture and designer clothing.  Letting go opens up more choices.  Letting go makes space in our life and in our spirit to become more fully the person we are inside.

It is OK to keep our material things if in fact we are happy with what we have and how these things impact us.  It is completely find to want a pool as long as we can afford to and that the job we are working is one we like.  It is OK to have wonderful homes and cars and designer clothes.  What is not OK is that these things be the things that keep us unhappy and doing things we don't love doing.  Only we know for ourselves when and if we need to let go.  The truth is that there are many people around us that are trying hard to convince themselves that having a lot of stuff makes them happy.  We must know that our own happiness not be an illusion we created in order to disguise what is inside of us that needs to be healed.


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