How To Move On

For some of us letting go is only the first part of healing from a situation or a person.  The part that is even more difficult is moving on.  This part is the part where we are past the letting go and need to figure out what it is that we need to start doing differently in order to move forward.  Not just move forward but move forward and into a more happy place.  How we move on is crucial and makes a difference in our life.

Here's how to move on: 

Forgive Yourself: 
Forgiveness for any judgmental thoughts you might have about yourself or the other person is a logical place to start. We cannot move on if we are holding anger against ourselves or others.  We cannot move on if we are still in judgement and beating ourselves up.  Thinking about how dumb we were for staying so long in a bad relationship is self-judgement an is harmful to us.  We have to forgive ourselves and know that the reason we stayed was really out of fear or insecurity and that we are no longer that person.  The first thing to do is to form forgiveness statements that will help you to understand what needs to be forgiven so that you can go on.  Here is an example: "I forgive myself for judging myself as unworthy because I stayed in an abusive relationship".  Then add a true statement like this: "The truth is that I am as worthy as everyone else and a wonderful child of God".  Making these statements will give us clarity and will focus on the healing we need to create our new life.

Forgive them: 
The next step in moving on is to forgive others who you feel have wronged or hurt you.  Like self-forgiveness forgiving others is a crucial part of moving on.  When we hold any kind of anger against anyone it is impossible to move on and so forgiving them is for our own well being.  It is for us to move forward that we tell our heart that whatever this person did to us it was not our fault and we don't need to carry it around forever.  IF we can find some some part of us who has compassion for the people who have hurt us or who we have had a poor interaction with then we will heal and be able to go on.  Forgiveness will propel us and we will see something like a miracle happen to us because by forgiving we bring the light back to our life.  Here is a forgiveness statement: I forgive my father for abandoning me as a child and undertand that he did the best he knew how".  The truth is that he did not have the tools to be a father.  By forgiving others we clear the path to our own happiness and we replace darkness with light.

Live differently now: 
One of the most important steps to moving on is to live our life differently.  We must understand that in order to go forward we must do things differently than before.  Whatever led us down that path we were on is correlated to how we lived our life and now we must do things differently.  What does living differently look like?  Only we know this.  More than anything else we must change the way we live, the habits we are practicing and the things we do.  Living differently may mean to exercise more or to not get involved in gossiping.  Living differently may mean to stop drinking or to take an art class.  Living a life that is different from the one you lived before is simply doing some things that you know you could be doing and not doing the things you know you need to stop doing.  This includes the people you allow in your life and the people who need to be let go of.  When we detach from the things we know are bad for us and attach to the things we know are good for us we will begin to see that we can and will propel forward into a more loving life.  The fact is that we must start by doing things differently from before.


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