How To Keep The Weight Off

Some of us learn to write goals and then do all that we can to achieve them.  I prefer to make commitments to our selves and others and honor those commitments because they are important and they are sacred.  When we make a commitment we make a promise and when we promise to do something it is not to be taken lightly.  When we make a commitment we must begin with the thought that this is a sacred promise and that breaking it is not an option.  We may faulted but we will get up again and go back to that sacred promise.  Keeping our commitments is likely just as challenging as achieving our goals except that if it is a burning desire we will stop at nothing to keep it.  Looking at what we need to do in our life as a commitment in life is looking at what we do with a more profound and serious manner.  Let's take a look at what this means:

Commitments require that we focus on every aspect of who we are: 
First and foremost we must look at each aspect of our life as a part of our commitments.  This means the spiritual, the physical, the emotional, the creative, and the financial aspect o our life.  When we want to make a change in our life it requires that we look at every aspect of our life and every aspect of who we are.  We are spiritual, emotional, physical and creative beings.  We all know this and for this reason when we make a commitment we must apply action to each of the parts of who we are.  

For example we make a commitment to: Lose 25 pounds by December 1.  The way that this is applied to each aspect can be as follows: 

Spiritual: To commit to a guided meditation every day for a minimum of 15 minutes with a focus on visualizing our optimal weight and healthy state of being. 
Physical: To commit to working out for a minimum of thirty minutes a day every day for 90 days. 
Emotional: To commit to seeing a therapist about an eating addiction once a week for an hour.  
Creative: To commit to making a vision board of what life will look like when you are your optimal weight. 
Financial: To save money each month (specify amount) to take a vacation after you achieve your optimal size.  

As you can see every aspect is tied in to the focus which is to lose 25 pounds.  Mediation may not occur to everyone as a part of losing 25 pounds yet it very much is as is the emotional piece which is for many the reason they are struggling with weight.  By working on every aspect of who you are we acknowledge that we are more than just our physical being or more than just our emotional self.  We are various aspects and when we know this we understand that working on each one is essential to transforming our life or achieving our commitments.  We cannot lose and keep the weight off if we only focus on the physical self.  By looking at the emotional piece we have more of a chance that we will lose the pounds and keep them off because we understand better what it is that motivates us to eat in excessin or to eat out of anxiety or eat things that are not healthy.  

The focus here is weight yet it applies to any area of our life that needs an application of action and commitments.  The point is that we must include every aspect of our being in order to make a more permanent change and transform into more of what we truly are experiencing more joy in our life.  If we look at people who are successful many times they will mention their belief in God for example.  Many people will announce their gratitude to God for their success.  Although I am not promoting a belief of any type it is that spiritual like piece that often times comes up with people who are sharing their joyous achievements.  In fact spirituality is not a belief in anything in particular but an acknowledgment that there is a source of strength that for each of us is different.  

Write down what you want to achieve.
Write a commitment in each area of your life: spiritual, physical, emotional, creative and maybe financial. 
Commit to your commitments for 30-90 days and make them specific and measurable. 
Post your commitments where you can see them daily. 
Check in at the end of 30 days and see where you are at.  It may be that you need to make additional commitments or continue them.  
Remember that life is a journey and that journey is life long.  Be kind to yourself.  


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