Why Did That Teacher Marry Her Student?

Mary Laturno was a teacher who had a sexual connection with a twelve year old student.  At the time she was married.  She ended up in court and was given probation and agreed never to see the minor boy, but she did and she was caught.  Still after spending six years in jail she got out and married the student.  On top of it, and I find this to be a factor, he is Hawaiian: a man of color.  After seeing her interviewed again today by Barbara Walters I am still not convinced that this was a wise decision for him.  He missed his childhood.  He missed being a normal teen and did not spend his twenties enjoying life, possibly traveling.

I am not the judge of anything but still feel badly that a woman took a child and eventually made him her husband.  I personally would feel a bit odd around a decision like this yet she seems totally oblivious to it.  Just like when she had sex with him at the age of twelve.  Although I honor Barbara I don't feel she asked the hard core questions that I would have asked him especially.  What happened in the end was that all seemed to end happily for this couple who started out as a twelve year old with a thirty year old woman seducing him.  Although it is worth mentioning that she alleges that he seduced her.  Again it is hard for me to believe.

If my son were her husband today I would have a hard time keeping a straight face, like many of you.  I would still be talking to my son about whether his depression, which he openly stated, was about being in a relationship he was not mature enough to be in and that a woman his age may be a happier situation.  Sure it's not guaranteed but I would still openly bring it up to him.  As a dad I would be concerned about him and want to understand it if in the end he really felt like this was his joyful and best choice in life.

Obviously this woman will be a lot older looking when she is sixty or seventy and I personally wonder whether he will be OK with this.  He will look in the mirror and a younger man will be looking back at him.  I would be concerned that once time passes that the age difference will be more of an issue.  Although like many couples who divorce they would in one way just be a part of the statistics.  In another way they would not be the same as the typical couple when it started in the way it did.

I was a teacher for many years.  One year I was teaching fifth grade and every time I looked up I noted that one of my female students was looking at me.  I started to feel uncomfortable and shared that with a female teacher who assured me that how I operated was fine and agreed that I never be alone with her.  In my heart I started to feel as like this pretty little girl was experiencing something intimate with someone.  She appeared to be older and she was overdeveloped.  Finally I shared my concern with my principal and she talked to her and found that her mother's boyfriend was molesting her on an ongoing basis.  I was shocked but not surprised.  All the signs were there.  We got this girl help but I still wonder whether she will ever live a normal life.  Her childhood was stolen from her much like the boy who was involved with the teacher.

Laturno is a sex offender and she will be forever.  It is as it should be and my opinion is that she is still a bit arrogant and in denial about it when she brought up that had she lived in another country it would not have been illegal.  That she alleges came out of her daughter's mouth.  I think she shared it to support her bad decision to seduce a young child.  We can only hope she does not repeat the offense with another boy.  I believe in giving second chances and in the end I support her getting that second chance.  I hope she knows how lucky she is because if a man of color would have done what she did we would still be in jail.  Luckily she is part of the privileged class.

What is my point?  Well, I am completely apposed to any person in a position of power sexually raping a child.  I also feel as though Mary got a grand deal and that she did so because she is a pretty, blond, attractive white woman.  I am OK with that but I am not OK with people of color being treated like they are a big criminal for possession of weed for example.  To this day I have heard this story about this teacher at least ten times.  She has agreed to do interviews and my observation is that she does because she likes the attention and it is a chance to excuse her awful behavior.  She never one has admitted that what she did was not bad but horrific.  I can only hope that we see a better day and that teachers dont' repeat this kind of horrible act.  In fact I pray so.


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