Five Most Important Things In Life

Some of the things that are most important in life might differ a little from others.  Of course the love of family and friends is usually at the top of the list hence I won't mention that one important life aspect.  On every journey to every destination we might find that at different times in our life our priorities will change but there are really only five things that we need to be most focused on to experience a fullness of life and they are: 

Doing what brings us joy 
We must decide that whatever we do including our jobs must bring us some form of joy.  In fact we know beyond a doubt that most people who are doing what they love to do not only do a great job they do so happily.  We will all likely go beyond what is expected of us if we are doing things that bring us joy whether they are related to our work or everyday interactions.  The more we do what is in our joy the more we understand that what we do with joy will help us to live a joyous life.

Many people have not yet done volunteer work.  For whatever reason some people have just not gotten around to taking some time to serve others.  Yet one of the things that are important in our world is serving others.  When we serve others we become light hearted and we are living in connection with others.  Serving means that we know that we are not just here to take but rather to give even more than we take.  Every time we serve we are closer to becoming a truly internal part of the world and others.

Living in consciousness 
One can life one's life as if nothing matters without giving a thought to anything until something happens that jolts us.  Living concisous means that we don't wait for anything to happen and that we are conscious all the time.  When we live in our consciousness we live entirely in our purpose.  We don't just float along but rather are attentive to others, attentive to the energy around us and attentive to our feelings and the feelings of others.  Living consciouusly is the only way to live because when we are not concisous we are disconnected and when we are disconnected we are not fully present.

Connecting with others 
We can be friends with five people and they can be our best friends.  There is nothing wrong with this.  Yet we must know there is more and that life requires us to connect in many ways every day with people we don't even know.  The way we connect is also the way we communicate with others.  It does not matter if someone is our friend or not when we look at others as an extension of ourselves.

Standing up and setting boundaries 
Often times we are not sure where our place is and we fail to let others know our boundaries.  Our boundaries are those messages we send to each and every person about how we are to be treated and not treated.  When we set boundaries we are honoring ourselves and others.  Clear boundaries are more important than any piece of information we will share with others.  We may think that others know their line of demarcation but the reality is that they don't unless we make it clear.

Are you adhering to the five most important things in your life?  If this list is not the one you agree with then what is your list?  What are the five most important things in life, in your opinion?  How would you rate yourself in each of the five areas above?  Would you say that you are living a connected or disconnected life?  Would you say that others know what you respect of them or do they run a muck?  Are you doing what brings you joy and serving others?  Whatever your most important things in life remember that your joy is equal to your actions.  Whatever your important aspects in your life know that it is your responsibility to live in your authentic place.

Write down the five most important things in life.  Under each one write down how you practice each of these aspects of your life.  Add short comments on what concerns you in each of these areas.  Then write down what action you will take that will support each of the five areas in your life and create an awareness in each area.
Example: Standing and setting boundaries: I am not good at setting boundaries and tend to allow others to abuse me, I am going to set boundaries with others by letting others know clearly what my boundaries are, I will write a letter to my mom and list my boundaries in a loving way and in a clear honest way, I did not learn to set boundaries because my parents crossed all my boundaries when I was growing up, from now on I am going to set my boundaries with everyone all the time.


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