Staying Young

I like to think that I am one of the people who at 61 has some swagger left in him.  I have often been asked my secret to staying young and although the verdict is out still I think there may be some things that have helped out along the way.

Here are some things that may help you stay young: 

Stay active: 
Dance, exercise, take walks, bike ride or jog.  The trick is to stay active and not allow yourself to become stagnant.  As long as you are active doing something you will look and feel better.  Staying in one place for long periods of time will make us stiff and the more we stay still the more we become lazy and use to it.  There are many options that will keep us active but simply doing something active each day will suffice.  Of course we can take it a step further and have a regimented workout each day.

Don't be "old": 
I have always thought that the world old had a negative image.  I never liked to use it and when I turned forty I decided that I would not use this word in reference to myself or anyone else.  I have finally replaced the word old with the word seasoned.  Now when someone asks me my age I will respond with "let's just say I am seasoned".  I also believe with all my heart that as we age we become more wise, more beautiful, more valuable and more seasoned.  Beauty has no age in my opinion and if we observe people who are in their 70's and 80's who dress it all up and flaunt their stuff we understand that age is simply a number.

Pamper your physical being: 
It is important that we never stop taking care of our physical self.  I personally feel as though we don't need to buy super expensive things to moisturize our skin or file our toe nails.  Taking care of every part of or body helps to maintain that shiny youthful look at any age.  It is true that as we season our skin needs moisture hence we should make sure our skin gets the moisture it needs.  Everything from styling our hair to the shampoo we use makes a difference in how we look.  A man with hair inside his ears and long hairs on his brows will inevitably look "old".  Taking care of every aspect of our body is crucial in maintaining a wonderful outer shell.

Address your emotions: 
Our emotional state will effect our health and the state of our physical being and for this reason we must feel good about ourselves and be in a healthy emotional place.  We must never ignore our emotional needs primarily because we cannot separate those needs from the rest of our needs.  Being mentally healthy will keep us young at heart because our heart is light.

Dress it up!: 
This is likey one of the most important things about staying young and shiny.  I am a huge fan of a crisp white shirt, dark jeans, a blazer and some loafers.  This is a look that seems to fit a lot of men and that is clean and modern.  Although there will be trends in fashion we don't have to wear them to look up to date and smart.  I like to occasionally buy something that a lot of men would not wear like a floral pattern shirt or red suede loafers.  I like to go a little out of the box but just making sure our clothes are crisp and fit well should go a long way to ensuring we always look great.

Dance, dance, dance: 
Dancing may not be for everyone but everyone should try it.  I have danced all my life and if there is one thing that has kept me on my toes it has been dance.  Dancing is a fun form of exercise not to mention a great way to meet people.  There are many people who shy away from dancing yet it is such a joyful way to spend our time and to socialize with others while staying truly active.  I have heard from many people that dancing has changed their life.  I for one believe it.

Be a child: 
Be playful and access that inner boy or girl in you.  Play in the park with your children or kids in your family.  Take every opportunity to act like a kid and move around like a child.  Fly a kite, play with your remote airplane, have some real fun.  You may not be Peter Pan but your can still be a kid and have lots of fun.


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