Turn That Off!

I know that there are many children who have heard their parents yell at them to turn off the TV.  Kids in the US spend way too much time watching the "boob tube" yet there are likely many more adults who spend just as much time tuning in for hours and hours at one time.  I know that for me I have to make an intentional decision to not watch TV so much when I sometimes have stagnant time or I just get hooked in.  Instead of getting to wrapped up in watching I personally turn on the music and intentionally pick up a book or write a blog.  But what is is that is wrong with watching TV?  Let me just count the numerous ways:

TV is largely negative:
The best reason to tune out is that the programs and commercials on TV are many times negative.  When you look at the amount of crime shows, reality shows and commercials it becomes evident that this kind of programming is going to effect our inner being and our spirit.  It is hard to control what is on TV versus what we watch because there is so much programming that becomes almost addictive.  What sells on TV is not what is best for us or our children.  Of course this includes sex and sensuality because producers have figured out that this is what hooks us.  Like anything else we must monitor and intentionally digest and not digest what we feed ourselves and our children's minds.  It is unfortunate but programs like "Believe" are rare although quite positive and beautiful.  We can only wish that the subjects on TV were more joyful and positive.  Unfortunately even the comedy's are ones where people are put down and minimized.  Controlling what we and our children watch on TV will make life much more joyful in the end.

Tune Out Commercials:
The commercials on TV are all about what you lack and what you must hurry and do.  It emphasizes all the things that can happen to you including: not having insurance upon death, getting the right lawyer so you might sue someone for something, not having white enough teeth and not being pretty enough because you need to lose weight.  Let's be really honest, commercials are simply degrading and insult our sense of intelligence yet under it all we are consuming it somewhere in your head.  We look in the mirror and we smile thinking that our teeth are not white enough.  We may even run the the nearest drug store and buy a whiting system that costs 50 dollars or so.  commercials are all about making us feel inadequate and to scare us.  The tax man will come after us for not paying taxes last year and sooner or later we are going to fall down in our old age and not be able to get up.  It is almost laughable but I am not laughing because it is manipulation.  Watching commercials and reading ads is likely one of the fastest ways to send our inner mind the message that we are broken and need fixing and that we need to be ready for that law suit or when the IRS comes after us because sooner or later they will come after us.  Fear is the tactic and insecurity is the goal.

Underlying Messages:
Many people believe that there are many sub messages that are flashed onto the screen of a TV that are fear based and even sexually based.  I am uncertain if this is true but I can say that I wonder a lot about it.  It would not surprise me that this would be a way for producers of programs to send us a message that might get us to either get on a porn sight or want to buy some product.  If there are underlying messages being flashed for seconds that we cannot see but feel then this may be another reason to turn off the TV.  Of course we cannot be sure this is the truth I think it is worth noting that if others believe this to be true it may be.  We have been hearing this for many years yet we seem to think it to be a total myth.  But why would any group study this report it?  What would be the cash in for them?  I wonder.

All About Conflict:
TV is so much about conflict and although conflict is normal we don't often see it resolved on TV in a way that is honest and forthright or healthy.  We see conflict on TV whereby a former spouse kills his former wife.  We see reality shows where one woman tips over the entire table at a banquet.  We see comedies where the characters slap each other around when they are upset or angry and we think it funny.  Conflict is normal but it is not usually addressed on TV shows in an appropriate way.  We see more fights and nasty language than anything else and of course if our children are watching they too fail to understand that conflict is not about hitting someone else over the head or asking someone to kill your former wife.

As soon as we turn off the TV we will begin to feel more joy and understand that what we are watching is mostly affecting us in negative ways.  We can only be the judge of what we watch and how it effects us or our loved ones.  It is up to us to decide what is in our highest vibration.  I personally feel that where we need healing is in silence.


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