Work On Your Core: Become Whole

I believe that in our core-our center is all of the emotional, physical and spiritual pain that we sometimes experience.  I think that our feelings, physical pain and spiritual doubts are stored at the core of our body where our abdomen resides.  For this reason when we are upset, when we are in pain or when our spiritual doubts set in we feel it in our tummy and often times loose our appetite.  We may even throw up as a result of experiencing an emotional or physical trauma.  For this reason it is best to do the preventative work to nurture and maintain our core.  But what are some good ways to do that?

Try these things:

People who work out and have a six pack seem to have this confidence about them.  Their core is strong and their attitude is one that seems fearless.  When our core is physically strong and we work on the physical part of that part of our body something magical happens.  Working on the physical part of our core seems to make us feel confident and hence our emotional makeup improves along with our physical body.  When we workout we are nurturing our core and increasing our chances of living a healthy life.  It is when we focus on our core by doing exercises for the core that we end up feeling good overall.

Working on our spiritual core is another thing that we must consider on a daily basis.  When this part of us is weak we often feel it in our stomach while some feel it in their heart.  Our spirit is the most important entity of who we are.  Although many would equate our spiritual being with religion it really has nothing to do with it.  Our spirit is the part of us that knows that we are connected to everyone and everything around us.  Our spiritual beliefs can lift us because in believing we are spiritual beings we feel joy about all that surrounds us and connect in ways that asks us to serve others and to be a part of the day to day world matters.  When our spirit is happy we are happy.  When we nurture our spirit by silencing ourselves daily we improve the core of who we are.

Our emotional person is that person who feels and when we are emotionally out of balance this too effects our core-our center.  The way to nurture our emotional center is by living a life that is resentment free and as peaceful as possible.  This does not mean we won't have resentments because the truth is that we will but that we work on forgiveness and any anger we have towards our self or others.  Living this kind of life is not easy but very possible.  When we hold resentments and anger we poison our core and as a result we live a life where our center is weak and we could become dysfunctional.  Working on our emotional core requires we check in with ourselves and where we are in our feelings.  It is an everyday process of taking the time to love ourselves in every way possible like eating healthy and sleeping enough each day.  There are professionals that can guide us to a place where we know how to work on our emotions and how to heal our past hurts.  As long as we are holding on to the past we will feel an imbalance at our center.

This work is challenging yet it is work we must do in order to maintain that balance and be in our center where we naturally feel more whole.  It takes time to raise our level of awareness.  We know when our core is hurting and it is a message to us that there needs to be work done.  Never should we wait for a crisis to work on our the center of our being and address those emotional, spiritual or physical issues.  We should be doing this on an ongoing basis.  Now that we have an idea of what we can do to feed the core of who we are I want to encourage you to take the time to love that part of you.


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