Finding Serenity

Every day seemed like a battle for me from the time of my surgery to just recently.  Every day I fought to find my peace and serenity inside so that I could cope with the pain and the emotional turmoil that comes from a feeling of helplessness.  Like everyone else I too have struggled with feelings of despair and wondering how I can find my peace and how I would be able to get through it.  I have had my share of tests as I refer to them.  Each time I feel like I passed the life test yet somewhere in my mind I feel like I just don't need another life lesson and what I know is that I will likely get some more.

Finding serenity is not like finding Nemo.  It is harder and more serious than what we see in a Disney animation that is for sure.  It is an ongoing process and here is some food for thought:

Don't wait for a crisis to happen:
Don't actually wait for something challenging to happen in your life to get into awareness.  Be in your awareness and do ongoing self-work and self-evaluations.  Look at where you life is at and what you are doing.  Ask yourself: "Is this good for me and my spirit?".  Make the changes you know you need to make before the stuff hits the fan.  We are a crisis oriented society and unfortunately we wait for something to drop before we do something about it.  Waiting for that next crisis is likely one of the biggest mistakes we make.  Live your life well consistently and do the work you need to do daily.

Hold reverence daily:
A sure way to serenity is to take the time each day for reverence.  Get quiet and in a space where you feel good and take the time to free your mind of any negative thoughts that do not serve you.  Hold your life sacred for at least 20 minutes by laying down and asking for guidance and whatever you feel you need.  Become silent and know that whatever you need you are being filled up with it.  This is a time of connecting with the universe and whatever you believe to be your source.  Finding serenity takes a little work but it is so worth it.  Becoming serene and balanced just means that you take the time to hush up the chatter that is making us crazy.

Get outside in nature:
One of the ways to find serenity is to get outdoors.  Take a walk in the forest, in the park or down the street.  Go where you can sail your boat or lay in the sand.  There is nothing more soothing than connecting with nature and commuting with the birds, the flowers and the trees.  For many people who are familiar with hiking this kind of connection is crucial for them and they will swear by it.  Get outside in any way that is possible.  I sit on my deck and admire the pond, listen to music and watch the geese fly in formation.  When I look up at the expansive sky I realize what a gift the universe is and that I have much to be grateful for.  Admiring the beauty of nature around us alone sets a tone that is positive and peaceful.

I was likely not the only one who saw the "Believe" series that Oprah produced and shared with the world.  I was for me the most meaningful thing I have seen on TV.  It exposed the world to the many ways that people believe and find source in so many ways from the twirling monks to a camp where hundreds of participant hung letters and pictures and in the end the structure was burned.  The pain in people's faces and the joy was for me the single most impactful depiction of believing in something.  For some it was god but for many it was about rituals that included dancing around in a circle.  Finding our serenity requires us to believe.  Most of all to believe in ourselves and the fact that we deserve to be at peace.

Be in your love zone:
I believe with all my heart  that one of the paths to serenity is love.  Not the kind of love you feel when you are with another person but the kind of love you feel for everyone and everything.  If there is a way to do the things you do with love then do so.  Keep love in the front of your mind and in the center of your heart.  It is a sure way to finding and keeping your serenity.  It is a conscious decision to become the most loving person we can be and when we intend it then we find that serenity that we not only want, we deserve.


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