Women's Body Image

I am a man yet I am exhausted from this false image of women that is constantly depreciated on TV and in magazines.  I have to be honest and say that when I see these images I can understand why men think that what is pretty is a size 4 female and bypass the truth which is that the average woman is a size 14 not a 4.  If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to smack a man for his unrealistic notions of women I would likely be a very rich man.  It is shocking how many men believe that the prettiest girls are the ones that are very very very thin and that anything that does not fit that image is simply not as favorable or pretty.  I have to be the guy who does not agree.  I understand that there is a health issue for some overweight men or women but I don't understand what the obsession is with men and their perception of women and their body types.

Many years ago I met a man who was about forty at the time.  He had been in only one serious relationship and the woman who I accidently met had left him.  Since then he had not one serious relationship.  He is the guy that wants a size four woman but ironically is no where near that body image himself.  At best from what I observed of his structure he was oddly shaped and not thin like he wanted his women.  Every time I asked him about dating he would share that he'd been on a date here and there and no second dates.  He would then cover it all up by saying that he did not have time now that he was starting his own insurance  business which his grandfather had funded.  His false sense of bravado showed through and I was not surprised given his arrogance that a woman would go on one date and even pictured women getting up from a dinner table and leaving him in the restaurant alone.  Today he is close to fifty and still single.  The only thing I can think of is that when he looks at his mirror he might understand that he is being a hypocrite about what he wants in a woman when he himself does not fit the same ridiculous criteria.  In addition to needing a reality to check here is a man who is in serious need of changing his attitude of arrogance.  Maybe if he were not so pompous he would meet a nice lady, a real lady.  I can only wonder what a nightmare he would be to any woman who may end up with him accidentally.

Like this man there are many of us who believe that pretty girls are all skinny.  The reality is that most of them are not that skinny image and that expecting that kind of body is silly and unrealistic.  The notion that this is beautiful and that only thin girls are beautiful has been proven wrong over and over and yet there are still men who want that body image.  This is the same image that women like Karen Carpenter died for and that many young women are becoming ill to have.  Not only is it unrealistic it is dangerous to create a body image that is so limited when we come in various shapes and sizes.  Although it may not be popular to say this I find women with more curves more desirable and more beautiful. Some come with a better personality because they are not stuck on the way they look bur rather the way they communicate and live.

Women's body image has become a serious issue and many women are beginning to understand that their body is beautiful the way it is.  We are beginning to see a different image being appreciated as beautiful.  There are "plus" size models and although we have a long way to go it is men's body image that needs to also change.  We need to be loving a supportive of all women regardless of their size or whether we think them beautiful.  We need to stop the negative comments about women who are real women and understand that loving and respecting woman has nothing to do with her size.  Love is about who the woman is on the inside.

As for woman and their own perceptions of beauty I want to just share this: Embrace the body that you are in.  IF that body is not the one you love then make the change about health rather than beauty or trying to fit in with the size 4 girls and that image.  Look at your body and know it is a certain type of body.  Not everyone was born to be a skinny bitch as they say.  I don't love that wording but I had to say it.  Be who you are and be grateful for those curves and those characteristics that make you unique and beautiful in your own way.  The truth is that being thin is not necessarily better or more favorable in the eyes that matter: God's eyes.  After all not all men are looking for the same type of woman.  Some men appreciate those wonderful curves.  Be who you are not who men want you to be or the perception of society.  The sooner we all change our false body images and embrace the body we are in the happier we will all be.  It is that simple.  Well, close.


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